[comp.databases] Summary on database machine enquiry

mokky@cscvax.essex.ac.uk (Mok K Y F) (05/19/89)

[ Error occurred in last postings and I could not cancel it.  Very sorry
  about that. ]
I asked for information on Database Machines and Database accelerators
in the market 3 weeks ago.  I am particularly interested in the following:
  1. What database machines are currently available in the market?
  2. What kind of applications in which they are used? In particular, what
     are the sizes of the relations being processed? cardinality? tuple size?
     What is the (approximate) number of relational operations involved to
     solve a problem? tens? hundreds? thousands? or more?
  3. How is their performance compared with software DBMS?

Only one reply was received.  Now I post it for whoever interested in
this subject.
>From: Chris Barr <barr@uucp.frog>
>Subject: Dbms machines, accelerators
>Date: 5 May 89 13:56:34 EDT (Fri)
>Teradata has the high-end marketplace, Britton-Lee the low end.
>I've read an article saying B-L is losing sales to '386-based platforms
>running Oracle or other PC-based rdbms's, networked via Novell or similar

Frank MOK               ARPA  : mokky%cscvax.essex.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu
			UUCP  : ...!mcvax!ukc!uk.ac.essex.cscvax!mokky
			JANET : mokky@uk.ac.essex.cscvax