[comp.databases] First Australian Database Conference/Gathering

johnz@latcs1.oz (John Zeleznikow) (07/12/89)



It is proposed that we have the first Australian Conference/Gathering 
on Databases  to be held at
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria on Tuesday, 6 th February 1990,
the day prior to the commencement of the Australian Computer Science
In this year the meeting will be more on the awareness of the database
research that is carried out in Australia. 

Following are the possible topics  which can be included (but not
limited to)  in the
presentation and discussions.

- deductive databases
- object-oriented databases
- expert databases
- semantic data models
- query evaluation and optimisation
- distributed databases
- integrating artificial intelligence and databases
- conceptual modelling

Following is the tentative plan and deadlines. However in order to
acertain whether we will have sufficient people who will  be interested in
such a conferecne/gathering, we would appreciate if you can inform us your
views and the possiblity of submitting or giving a talk  by filling up
the form enclosed at the bottom of this announcement. Based on the
interest further notice will be posted for call for papers.


Papers will be refereed by a local panel. It is not necessary to
submit a full paper, but merely an extended abstract ( 1,000 words ).
It is not intended to publish the proceedings in the initial year.
However if papers are of sufficient quality, an effort will be made
to publish a selection of them after the conference.

ABSTRACTS DUE: 		Wednesday 1 November 1989
ACCEPTANCE MAILED: 	Monday December 11 1989
CONFERENCE HELD:	Tuesday 6 February 1990

For further information contact:

Dr. John Zeleznikow,
Department of Computer Science,
La Trobe University, 
Bundoora, Victoria, 3083

Phones: (03)479-1003 or (03)479-2598 [office] or (03)211-5475 [home]
	or (03)470-4915 [FAX]
acsnet: johnz@latcs1.oz


Dr. Bala Srinivasan,
Department of Computer Science,
Monash University,
Clayton, Victoria, 3168.

Phones: (03)565-3907 or (03)565-3900 [office]
acsnet: srini@bruce.oz

      First Ausralian Database Conference/Gathering, Feb 6, 1990.



E-mail address:

Will you be interested in this conference:   Yes / No

Prepared to give  a talk:                    Yes/ No

Any Suggestions:
