mohan@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (mohan.palat) (08/18/89)
Ingres allows one to set different run-time options such as "qbufsize","query_size","j_freesz3","j_sortbufsz". The default values for these variables are mentioned in the Ingres manuals. However, is there any way to determine the default values on a given installation, on-line? My suspicion is that the default values are defined in a header file that is included in the backend executable (UNIX version). Maybe, that's not true. Thanks for any response in advance. Mohan Palat (att!cbnewsc!mohan) or (att!ihlpf!mohan) AT&T (Robert Fair) (08/21/89)
>From: mohan@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (mohan.palat) > >Ingres allows one to set different run-time options such >as "qbufsize","query_size","j_freesz3","j_sortbufsz". The >default values for these variables are mentioned in the >Ingres manuals. However, is there any way to determine the >default values on a given installation, on-line? My suspicion >is that the default values are defined in a header file that >is included in the backend executable (UNIX version). Maybe, >that's not true. SET QBUFSIZE and SET QUERY_SIZE are indeed described in the SQL and QUEL reference manuals under the SET statement, and the default values are described there. The SET J_xxxxxx statements are tweaks to JOINOP (the RTI INGRES optimizer) and should not normally be played with unless you know what you are doing, i.e. under advice from RTI Tech Support or after taking an RTI advanced training class. SET J_FREESZ3 option is the only commonly used option (its helpful with REPEAT queries) and is described in INGRES Technical Note #3. The installation-wide default values only change if you actually go and add a new value in one of the INGRES startup files or environment variables (like ING_SET), which are all human-viewable. On an include/header file, this would only change the default when the INGRES backend DBMS is next compiled, which can only be done if you have the full RTI INGRES source. NOTE: Most of these options are no longer necessary nor available in INGRES R6, due to the different server architecture. In contrast, a number of diagnostic statements (such as SET QEP and SET PRINTQRY) which were not documented in 5.0 *are* now supported & documented in the latest R6 SQL reference manual. Robert Fair Technical Support Relational Technology, Inc