[Apologies if this is the wrong group for this posting - please let me know if there's somewhere better] We are currently looking at the Teradyne FIRMS (Factory Information and Resource Management System) product with a view to using it for semiconductor tester control, data collection, storage and analysis. FIRMS makes use of Oracle for the database (plus some Teradyne-specific bits) and RS/1 for the analysis (although using SAS for this seems feasible). I would like to hear from anyone who has experience of using this product. Initially I would like to know what hardware/software configurations it has been used in, has it been successful, was it worth the money - and any other observations you might care to add. People from Teradyne have been understandably cautions about putting us (Inmos) in touch with other users - they feel that other semiconductor manufacturers would not wish to reveal *anything* to us. I can understand this, but if there is anyone out there who is prepared to pass on information, I'd be most grateful. Please MAIL any replies (to as there is a good chance that I may miss any replies that are just posted. Thanks, in anticipation, for any information, Brian ---------- Brian O'Donovan, Information Systems address: Inmos Ltd, Cardiff Road, Dyffryn, Newport, Gwent, WALES, UK, NP9 1YJ phone: 0633-810121-X322 email: