[comp.databases] Looking for /rdb

mort@dhump.lakesys.COM (Mort d`Hump) (10/14/89)

I have recently gotten a copy of "UNIX Relational Database Management"
- Manis, Schaffer & Jorgenson (Prentice Hall).

In it they refer to /rdb. Where can I get a copy? Is it commercial or

Thanks for you help!


			Marty Wiedmeyer

harrys@tons61.UUCP (Harry Skelton) (10/17/89)

In article <487@dhump.lakesys.COM> mort@dhump.lakesys.COM (Mort d`Hump) writes:
>I have recently gotten a copy of "UNIX Relational Database Management"
>- Manis, Schaffer & Jorgenson (Prentice Hall).
>In it they refer to /rdb. Where can I get a copy? Is it commercial or

It is a commercial product at last look.  I know the guys that were working on
it seem to have stopped work on the program. It's cheep and it runs well. I
have worked with it at LAI in Chicago.  Last I hear is that they are working
for AT&T or someone like that.

If you need more info and such, email me!  I have some information...

Harry Skelton - Senior Systems Administrator - U.S. Dept. of Transportation
   ..!attctc!tons61!harrys ..!obdient!tons61!harrys ..!tfd!tons61!harrys
[  Views expressed by Harry Skelton are not those of the US Gov. or CBSI  ]