[comp.databases] Need easy Ad-hoc reportin

matthew.silver@canremote.uucp (MATTHEW SILVER) (11/16/89)

nm>I need some recommendations on database programs for

nm>Currently I'm using FoxBase+ 2.10 to write programs for sales
nm>offices' revenue forecasting system.  I produce customized input
nm>screens and output reports. Everything is menu driven.  To users with
nm>PC background, it's fairly easy to use.

nm>However, the sales managers want a lot more Ad-hoc inquiry

Viable solutions:
1. R&R Relational Report Writer - Concentric Data Systems
                                  18 Lyman St.
                                  Westboro MA, 01581-4063
                            telephone 800-325-9035
                                     (508) 366-1122

        - used as a stand alone accessory client can create any type of
         report desired.  You can predefine a selection of reports to
         get them started.  It is easy and logical to use.
         It works well for single or multi file reports; setting filters
         / selections.
       - by using the CODE GENERATOR you can easily and quickly create
         report definitions then generate code for use in a variety of
         DBASE compilers (Clipper, Fox etc..)

2.      - if tabular reports are what is desired then look at building a
          report writer like used in Dbase3+ and in Clipper (I'm not
          familiar with Fox, sorry).  The code is not complex and you
          can let the use build their own definitions.  However, it does
          get complex for constructing multi file reports.

Hope it helps...

 ~ DeLuxe 1.11a10 #742