(John Carlson) (12/01/89)
We are contemplating developing a program that uses both UNIFY Embedded SQL (RHLI) and XView in the same process. I have heard of problems with SunView and Informix SQL in the same process, but I never verified this. Do X toolkits and embedded SQLs work well together, or is it a future product (when)? Please send me a response. Thanks, John Carlson
dgh@unify.uucp (David Harrington) (12/02/89)
In article <> (John Carlson) writes: > >We are contemplating developing a program that uses both UNIFY Embedded SQL >(RHLI) and XView in the same process. I have heard of problems with SunView and >Informix SQL in the same process, but I never verified this. Do X toolkits >and embedded SQLs work well together, or is it a future product (when)? >Please send me a response. > >Thanks, > >John Carlson > I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but there is no conflict between ESQL and XView at all. However, since ESQL doesn't know about XView, it seems to me that you will have to do all the hard work yourself. In terms of a future product from Unify, we have announced our Accell/SQL 4GL and Applications Generator product on Open Look. This will give you the ability to build applications in the X environment on top of the Unify 2000 database. Availability, since you asked (i.e. no flames, please) is announced as first quarter 1990. David Harrington Unify Corp.
jeff@unify.uucp (Jeff Mischkinsky) (12/02/89)
In article <> (John Carlson) writes: > >We are contemplating developing a program that uses both UNIFY Embedded SQL >(RHLI) and XView in the same process. I have heard of problems with SunView and >Informix SQL in the same process, but I never verified this. Do X toolkits >and embedded SQLs work well together, or is it a future product (when)? As far as I can tell, there is no conflict between using X toolkits and the Unify database tools (rhli and/or embedded sql). Unify has announced an open look version of our 4gl development system (Accell). It, of course, uses the X toolkits. The 4gl tools are "just" big rhli programs and we haven't encountered problems modifying them to use an X toolkit. I haven't actually tried an embedded sql program, but it too is ultimately "just" a complicated rhli program. (Note: I do work for Unify). -- Jeff Mischkinsky internet: jeff@unify.UUCP Unify Corporation ...!{csusac,pyramid}!unify!jeff 3870 Rosin Court voice: (916) 920-9092 fax: (916) 921-5340 Sacramento, CA 95834 (Truett Lee Smith) (12/07/89)
Since I may have been the person who brought this up, let me comment on what I found out. It turns out that Unify has a problem with windowing environments only when you use one of their programs that interacts with the keyboard. The HLI library does not have a problem since it does not change any signal handlers once it has finished initializing itself. Thus, properly constructed code for handling the selectors and interactors in X and InterViews work just fine if only the HLI functions are being used. I found this out once I got the right engineer in my own organization talking to the Unify support person. By the way, I have had very good experience with Unify support. Their support system gives me the same feeling of confi- dence that the Oracle support system did when I dealt with them in the past. Of course, in both cases I was a developer, not an end user. Truett Smith NEC America (I don't speak for NEC, I'm not fluent in Japanese anyway.)
onsc@wmt.UUCP (Onno Schipperus) (12/21/89)
In article <>, (John Carlson) writes: > > We are contemplating developing a program that uses both > UNIFY Embedded SQL > (RHLI) and XView in the same process. > I have heard of problems with SunView and > Informix SQL in the same process, > but I never verified this. Do X toolkits > and embedded SQLs work well together, > or is it a future product (when)? > Please send me a response. We have done pretty much the same and it works for us. We have build a CASEtool product in X-windows, used Open Dialogue from Apollo, ported that to all kinds of machines, used Ingres ESQLC and compiled that in various steps. It works. We did the same for Informix ESQLC and it works too, also we did this for UNIFY, and again.... So I see no problem in having ESQL code and X-calls work together in one executable. Good luck, if you need any help ..... Onno Schipperus | Email : hp4nl!wmt!onsc CASE Product Manager | Phone : +31-15-610815 Westmount Technology BV. | Fax : +31-15-565701 Poortweg 8, 2612 PA Delft | PO box : 5063, 2600 GB Delft The Netherlands