(Steven Kilby) (01/09/90)
I must first appologize if this request is to system specific, but I have just about run out of alternative sources of information. I also do not have access to support from Oracle. I have an ADDS viewpoint terminal, and it is not supported by the Oracle utility SQL(*)FORMS. Our resident DBA has offered to install the definitions for my terminal if I write them. I have had no problem with the escape sequences for clear screen and the arrow keys, etc. My problem lies in the cursor address. My terminal accepts ASCII values for row and column values and then offsets them by a blank character. In other words in order to position my cursor at 13;33 I have to send my terminal [Y,@ The ASCII for , is 44 and for @ 64. With the offset of the blank character, (ASCII 31 ) this comes to 13;33. In the viewpoint.sql file, I have to write, I can say '\eY\y\x', but I do not know how to incorporate the the offset of the blank character. Our database is running on Unix System V, and the termcap definition is cm=\EY%+ %+ : Any help would be appriciated. Please respond by e-mail. Thanks again. Steven Kilby