gb@cs.purdue.EDU (Gerald Baumgartner) (01/17/90)
December 18th, Hagenberg - Linz, Austria, Europe Dear subscribers, I am interested in writing my PhD thesis on the general area of semantic checks on knowledge bases. One concern of course is to determine whether knowledge bases are internally consistent (or whether several knowledge bases are consistent with each other). Other issues concern the completeness of a knowledge base, as measured against some domain model. I would be grateful if you could point me to some researchers working on these topics, or to relevant literature. Please send information to: Thomas Moritz Research Institute for Symbolic Computation Schloss Hagenberg 4232 Hagenberg / Linz Tel. (7236)3231-64 Fax. (7236)333830 e-mail K313670@AEARN.BITNET Your informations will be very important for my future work. I appreciate your effort. Th. M.