[comp.databases] Late answer to Fulcrum, apology

johnny@edvvie.at (Johann Schweigl/104857600) (05/24/90)

Open Letter to Eric Goodwin, Vice President Fulcrum Technologies Inc.

Back in March I posted a message, asking for a specific fulltext database
Product. Somewhere I stated " ... yes, I've seen Fulcrum ...".
FULCRUM read the message, and sent a FAX to me, complaining about the 
offending sound of the text.

Now, after digging the (lost) FAX out of the vaults of my desk, I think I
should explain what I've meant.
I did not want to offend FULCRUM in any way. I just wanted to prevent
lots of Messages giving me a pointer to FULCRUM, a product I already know,
while I was searching for another specific database system.
Not because I disklike FULCRUM, just because my boss asked me to do so.
Not as a result of any evaluation, decision or whatever, just because he was
asked by a customer himself, whom we wanted to help.

I had been in contact with FULCRUM and found the company to be very 
cooperative. Also the question about a connection to STAIRS was answered, 
nevertheless we continue to search for hints 'cause things
get really complex in this area and we need another attachment to the host
than that we've found through the kind help of FULCRUM. But that is our
very own problem and, as far as FULCRUM is concerned, we got all the 
information we could get (thanks also to Emanuel Data Systems).

So, please accept my apologies. The message surely could easy be misunderstood,
mainly due to my bad english style. I'm just a poor manual reader, with 
drastic shortcomings in *HUMAN* interaction in english (computers are much 
easier to talk to) :-) It should in no way offend FULCRUM, a friendly 
company having a good product.
Also, please pardon this late answer. Sometimes the paper on my desk gets
a little confused ...

Yours sincerely,
Johann Schweigl
This does not reflect the   | Johann  Schweigl | DOS?
opinions of my employer.    | johnny@edvvie.at | Kind of complicated
I am busy enough by talking |                  | bootstrap loader ...
about my own ...            |   EDVG  Vienna   |