tanner@cdis-1.compu.com (Dr. T. Andrews) (08/10/90)
I'm faced with the (*interesting*) task of making the db_vista data export program "dbexp" follow paths in order to usefully dump data records which depend on other records. As shipped, the product only dumps records and can list only db_addrs saying where the records were hooked. Of course, a database address is worthless if you are loading records into a fresh database, because they will probably change. Has anyone already done the work to get "dbexp" to export fields as well as records. A command syntax such as dbexp [-o output_file] dbname REC1.MEM1 SET1 REC2.MEM2 SET2 REC3 is envisioned, though there may be more or fewer layers. Also: I have a few neat mods to the "dbimp" utility. E-mail for details. -- uflorida!ki4pv!cdis-1!tanner {uunet dsinc}!cdin-1!cdis-1!tanner