bred@sri-unix (11/15/82)
Just bought Wall of Voodoo's latest album "Call of the West" (I.R.S.) a few weeks ago. The group uses synthesizers, etc. while still maintaining a western American feel both in music and lyrics (such as the lyrics in "Lost Weekend", about a couple who just lost their life savings in Las Vegas, and "Factory", about a factory worker). I'm not sure whether the album's being played on many radio stations, having only heard it on Reed College's (Portland OR) radio station KRRC. Wall of Voodoo has recorded at least one other album, "Dark Continent", but I haven't listened to it yet. Questions: has anyone else heard this album or the previous one? Opinions? How long has Wall of Voodoo been around? John Bredehoft (...!teklabs!reed!bred) P.S. At least one other person likes this album; the KRRC copy has mysteriously disappeared...