[comp.databases] ACM Algorithms

wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) (08/28/90)

In comp.software-eng koerberm@nixin.nixdorf.com writes:

>[... stuff deleted ]
>>The collected algorithms of the ACM has an algorithm for converting
>>dealing with overflow into years.  The ACM book describes the weekday

>What is the ACM (guess: American Computing Monthly?,A magazine or so?).
Good guess.  There are those who would say you are correct, given
that the ACM overseas membership is so thouroughly swamped by US'ans.
The ACM is, however, officially international, although we tend to
refer to HQ in NY,NY as 'national headquarters' when speaking
loosely.  Members of several overseas, national computing societies are
eligible for US$13 discount on the $67 annual membership (&CACM
subscription) fee, a better discount than offered to the IEEE-CS, a
sister quasi-international national.

The Association for Computing Machinery
11 West 42nd Street
New York, New York 10036 USA
+1 212 869 7440

is commonly referred to as "The ACM".  The acm (trademark is lowercase,
I believe) is a scientific & educational organization,
chartered as a non-profit organization under US tax code for "the
development of information processing as a discipline, and to the
responsible use of computers in an increasing diversit of
applications.  The purposes of the [acm] are: (1) To advance the
scineces and arts of .... (2) To promote the free interchange of
information about... (3) To develop and maintain the integrity anc
competence of individuals engaged in the practices of[,] the
sciences and arts of information processing."  [CACM masthead]

In addition to member services more typical of professional
organizations -- which under US tax law the acm is not --, the acm
sponsors academic & practical conferences and publishs a number of
journals etc, which are distributed world-over, including CACM
(Communications of ...), JACM (Journal Of..., more scholarly), and
TOMS and TODS (Transactions on Mathematical Software and
Transactions on Database Systems), among many others.  Anytime a new
and interesting algorithm is published in any of its refereed
publications, including the above, it is given a serial number and
added to the next edition of /Collected Algorithms from ACM/.  On
Page 279 of the current volume of CACM (33.3, March '90), I find the
followng Advertisment:

Even a single use of a CALGO algorithm will save many times the cost
of the subscription...
Editor-in-Chief Robert J. Renka
University of North Texas
/Collected Algorithms of the ACM/ (CALGO) offers quartely code
listings in machine readable and microfiche form.  Even a single use
of a CALGO algorithm will save many times the cost of a subscription.
    The code listings for an algorithm printed in any of the ACM
journals is included in microfiche format in its entirety.  Remarks
and certifications are also given, often with driver code.  Floppy
disk and magnetic-tape versions are availabe separately through the
ACM Algorithms Distribution Service (address in box).
	Initial subscription, 4 volumes: includes casebound Vols. I,
II, III and louseleaf volume IV, with a 3-ring binder, one year's
quarterly Supplements of new and updated algorithms, complete
listings on microfishe for those algorithms (from 1981) and a fishe
holder. Order No. 120000 $270.00 --- Mbrs $150 
--- Student Mbrs. $145/year
[...Vol I-IV separately...]
Annual Subscription -- Supplements: $50.00 Mbrs. $30.00 Student
Mbrs. $25/year.

Please send all orders and inquires to:
acm PRESS  
PO Box 12115
Church Street Station
New York, NY 10249 (USA)

Overseas prices will probably vary, although they may be able to
ship sea-freight to their euro-distribution center, but I suspect
you're in hurry, in which case paying airfreight for the single
volume required -- if you can't copy it at a local library -- might
be advised.

Membership Services is net-accessible via BITNET/CSNET, but
I don't believe you can order materials that way. (I certainly
wouldn't send my credit card numbers through an un-encripted
store&forward network, anyway!)

Bill Ricker, a former ACM activist
If my library here doesn't have a copy, maybe I should order CALGO.

/bill ricker/
wdr@wang.com a/k/a wricker@northeastern.edu
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