[comp.databases] Piping Clipper output to another program

arensb@cvl.umd.edu (Andrew Arensburger) (09/06/90)

	Does anyone know how to make Clipper write to standard out?
I need to pipe the output of a Clipper "program" to another program,
and can't seem to be able to do it.
	Just for completeness, I'm running DOS 3.3 on a Novell NetWare
network, and I'm (ab)using the version of Clipper with the drab green
manual :-)

	Please reply via e-mail to aa@loyvax.bitnet. Thanks.

Andrew Arensburger            | K&R C!   |  People assign me so much   o\\\\\-
arensb@cvl.umd.edu            | ANSI no! |  stuff, I feel like an  __   /
aa@loyvax.bitnet              |          |  lvalue.                  \_/

jeffw@dbase.A-T.COM (Jeff Wilson) (09/07/90)

If you're using Summer '87, you need to pick up a copy of Funcky.lib
from dLesko Associates ( 201-435-8401 ).  It's got two functions that 
allow piping of program output ( stdout() and stdin() ).  There are
also over 200 other very useful functions that will make your life
much easier.

It's necessary to use these functions since Clipper handles all it's own

If you're proficient in C, you could also write your own stdin() and stdout()
functions using the Clipper Extend system.  This would be prettry trivial
to do.

If you're using an earlier version of Clipper (like Autumn '86(?)), then
UPGRADE.  It's just not worth using anything before Summer '87!
