dermoudy@sol.surv.utas.oz (Julian Dermoudy) (09/14/90)
G'day all. I was wondering whether anyone out on the net has had any experience with the EMPRESS (it could be EMPERESS) RDBMS. It is apparently a Canadian product. I am interested in such things as the operators it supports, the DDL and DQL, its performance (especially on large databases) and anything else that you may think would interest me. Please e-mail to the address below as I do not often get to this group. AdvThanksance. -Julian. P.S. Should your e-mail bounce, try: -- Julian Dermoudy AARNet: School of Surveying, 'Phone: +61 02 202108 University of Tasmania, Fax : +61 02 240282 GPO Box 252C Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA, 7001.