jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (09/18/90)
In the IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, March 1990, there is an article on the O2 Object Oriented database system from France. Where can I access papers and related documentation via anonymous ftp for this system? French or English ok. -- John Dudeck "Nothing is foolproof, because jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu fools are so ingenious." ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549 -- quote from PC Mag.
bridon@bdblues.altair.fr (Philippe Bridon) (09/20/90)
----------- long article !!! --------- In <26f5a224.518@petunia.CalPoly.EDU> John Dudeck writes: > In the IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, March 1990, > there is an article on the O2 Object Oriented database system from France. > Where can I access papers and related documentation via anonymous ftp > for this system? French or English ok. Just ask our company Altair, about any reports on O2. O2 is a OODBMS with its own graphical developpement environment. Before to deliver the product (beta-test in November 90) we have made R & D which had produce many technical reports ! many of our design engineers took part in international conference on database and object oriented topics, like Francois Bancilhon, our Director. (francois@bdblues.altair.fr) Now our team is divided in two parts, one who finishes the product, and another who still makes research on these area (OODBMS, DBPL, Graphical Environment, ...) and which works in EUREKA and ESPRIT projects. This team is directed by Claude Delobel. (claude@bdblues.altair.fr). After my signature, you will find a list of our main technical reports. Most of them are in english, and some were presented in conferences like PODS, VLDB, DBPL. These documents are often written in LaTeX and available on our network, but we have no special archive / directory / login (ftp anonymous) to get them. Please, if you are interested in some of them, just send me an email with the numbers and I will send you a paper copy of them. If it is possible, (and if you ask to) I will send you an "electronic" copy embedded in an email ! If you need extra information or commercial information you can ask me too. I have already posted in a previous article of comp.databases / comp.object a short description of our organization and product. For more details I prefer to use private mail to keep the non-commercial spirit of news. Philippe [You can meet us at OOPSLA, Ottawa, 20-25 october] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Philippe BRIDON | Email : bridon@bdblues.altair.fr | | ALTAIR | or : ...!mcsun!inria!bdblues!bridon | | BP105, F-78153 Le Chesnay Cedex | Tel : +33 1 | | FRANCE | Fax : +33 1 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ALTAIR - TECHNICAL REPORTS [my favorite selection for a first approach: 37, 26, 27 and the well-known 30] [3] Langages de quatrie`me ge'ne'ration et ge'ne'rateurs d'interfaces. Anne Doucet, Carol Lepenant, mars 87. [4] Inte'gration des langages de programmation et des langages de manipulation de donne'es : approche impe'rative. Sophie Gamerman, Carol Lepenant, Philippe Richard, 31 mars 87. [5] Editeurs d'objets structure's. Didier Plateau, fe'vrier 87. [6] Interfaces et Base de Donne'es : un e'tat de l'art et quelques propositions. Didier Plateau, fe'vrier 87. [7] Description du langage Z. Claude Delobel, Sophie Gamerman, 30 mars 87. [10] O2, An Object oriented data model. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, Fernando Velez, 15 septembre 1987. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD, Chicago, USA, 1988 [12] Using a set of database applications to compare Programming Languages. Sophie Gamerman, Fernando Velez, 11 avril 1988. In Proc. 4e`me journe'e Base de Donne'es Avance'es, Be'nodet, France, 1988. [13] Connecting the O2 Data Model to Programming Languages, Version 0. Gilles Barbedette, Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, Fernando Velez, 18 novembre 1987. [15] Gestionnaires de me'moires et d'objets. Ve'ronique Benzaken, Claude Delobel, Jean-Baptiste Ndala, 24 novembre 1987. In Proc. 4e`me journe'e Base de Donne'es Avance'es, Be'nodet, France, 1988. [16] Object Oriented Database Systems. Francois Bancilhon, 19 janvier 1988. In Proc. PODS, 1988. [17] Benchmarking some user interface toolkits. Rene' Cazalens, Anne Doucet, Carol Lepenant, Didier Plateau, Bruno Poyet, 2 mars 1988 [18] Modeling Inheritance and Genericity in Object-Oriented Databases. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 25 aou^t 1988. In Proc. ICDT, Bruges, Belgique, 1988. [19] Modeling Generic Type and Method Inheritance. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 25 aou^t 1988. [20] The Design and Implementation of O2, an Object-Oriented Database system. Francois Bancilhon, Gilles Barbedette, Ve'ronique Benzaken, Claude Delobel, Sophie Gamerman, Christophe Le'cluse, Patrick Pfeffer, Philippe Richard, Fernando Velez, 13 avril 1988. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD, Portland, USA, 1989. [21] Multilanguage Object-Oriented Systems : New Answer to Old Database Problem? Francois Bancilhon, Dave Maier, 15 avril 1988. In Proc. Programming of Future Generation. Computers II, Ed. K. Fuchi & L.Kott. [22] LOOQ: A Query Language for Object-Oriented Databases, Informal Presentation. Christophe Le'cluse, Claude Delobel, Philippe Richard, 8 octobre 1988. In Proc. AFCET, Paris, France. [23] GIP Altair : Objectifs Scientifiques et Etat d'avancement. Francois Bancilhon, 4 septembre 1988. [24] Towards Benchmarking User Interface Toolkits. R. Cazalens, A. Doucet, D. Plateau, B. Poyet, 6 octobre 1988. [25] Design of a software reusability subsystem in an object-oriented environment. G. Arango, R. Cazalens, J.C. Mamou, 30 novembre 1988. [26] The O2 Database Programming Language. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 9 janvier 1989. In Proc. VLDB'89, Amsterdam, Netherland, 1989. [27] The O2 Object Manager : an Overview. Fernando Velez, Guy Bernard, Vineeta Darnis, 1er fe'vrier 1989. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD, Portland, USA, 1989. [28] A customizable abstract I/O server for complex object edition. Didier Plateau, Rene' Cazalens, Bruno Poyet, 31 mars 1989. [29] Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive. Serge Abiteboul, Pa^ris C. Kanellakis, 30 mars 1989. [30] The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto. Malcolm Atkinson, Francois Bancilhon, David DeWitt, Klaus Dittrich, David Maier, Stanley Zdonik, 21 aou^t 1989. In Proc. DOOD, Kyoto, Japan, 1989. [31] Modeling Complex Structures in Object-Oriented Databases. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 22 aou^t 1989. In Proc. PODS, Philadelphie, USA, 1989. [32] Manipulation of Strutured Values in Object-oriented Databases. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 22 aou^t 1989. In Proc DBPL, Oregon, USA, 1989. [33] Un Algorithme de Regroupement d'Objets sur Disque pour O2. Ve'ronique Benzaken, Claude Delobel, 22 aou^t 1989. In Proc. PRC BD3, Gene`ve, Suisse, 1989. [34] Dynamic Clustering Strategies in the O2 Object-Oriented Database System. Ve'ronique Benzaken, Claude Delobel, 18 aou^t 1989. [35] A Query Language for the O2 Object-Oriented Database System. Francois Bancilhon, Sophie Cluet, Claude Delobel, 28 aou^t 1989. In Proc DBPL, Oregon, USA, 1989. [36] Reloop, an Algebra Based Query Language for an Object-Oriented Database System. Sophie Cluet, Claude Delobel, Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 3 octobre 1989. In Proc. DOOD, Kyoto, Japan, 1989. [37] The Story of O2. O. Deux et Al., 14 octobre 1989. In IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Volume 2, Number 1, march 1990. [39] The O2 Data Model. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 18 octobre 1989. [40] Building user interfaces with the LOOKS hyper-object system. Didier Plateau, Rene' Cazalens, Didier Le've^que, Jean-Claude Mamou, Bruno Poyet, 2 octobre 1989. In Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics, Koenigswinter, Germany, 1990. [41] Toolboxes: a practical approach to reusability in an object-oriented environment. Gustavo Arango, 26 de'cembre 1989. In Proc. TOOLS, Paris, France, 1990. [42] A Study of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems. David J. DeWitt, Philippe Futtersack, David Maier, Fernando Velez, 19 janvier 1990. In Proc. VLDB, Brisbane, Australia, 1990. [43] A Debugger for O2, an Object-Oriented Language. Anne Doucet, Patrick Pfeffer, 20 mars 1990. In Proc. TOOLS, Paris, France, 1989. [44] Data Abstraction, Bulk Data and Relations in Database Programming Languages (Extended Abstract). Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 4 mai 1990. [45] The O2 Query Language Syntax and Semantics. Francois Bancilhon, Sophie Cluet, Claude Delobel, 28 mai 1990. [46] Incremental compilation in the O2 object-oriented database. Jean-Marie Larche^que, 30 mai 1990. [48] Le SGBD O2. Francois Bancilhon, Philippe Bridon, 17 juillet 1990. In Ge'nie Logiciel, septembre 1990. [49] An Evaluation Model for Clustering Strategies in the O2 Object-Oriented Database System. Ve'ronique Benzaken, 7 aou^t 1990. [50] Enhancing Performance in a Persistent Object Store: Clustering Strategies in O2. Ve'ronique Benzaken, Claude Delobel, 7 aou^t 1990. [51] OOPE, the O2 Programming Environment. Patrick Borras, Anne Doucet, Patrick Pfeffer, Didier Tallot, 9 aou^t 1990. [52] Using a Database System to implement a Debugger. Anne Doucet, Patrick Pfeffer, 10 aou^t 1990. [53] Rationale and Design of Serendip, a Database Programming Language. Michel Adiba, Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 20 aou^t 1990. [54] Les Syste`mes de Gestion de Bases de Donne'es Oriente's-Objet. Francois Bancilhon, Sophie Gamerman, 17 juillet 1990. In Ge'nie Logiciel, septembre 1990. [55] Data Base Schemas and Types Systems for DBPLs. Christophe Le'cluse, Philippe Richard, 29 aou^t 1990. [56] Schema Manipulation in the LISPO2 Persistent Object-Oriented Language. Gilles Barbedette, 31 aou^t 1990. [57] Object-Oriented Database Systems: in Transition. Francois Bancilhon, Won Kim, 5 septembre 1990.