a_dent@fennel.cc.uwa.oz.au (10/07/90)
Has anyone had experience with DB-VISTA on the Mac, or any other compilable database engines? We have reached the limits of FoxBASE and 4th Dimension in that they are fine custom-job tools but not clean enough for producing shrink-wrapped packages. Our preference would be for something that could be compiled into Hypercard XCMDS which limits some assumptions about global variables. Any war-stories about integrating such products into applications built using the Think Class Library (C or Pascal)? Please post your responses rather than mailing directly - it saves you and several Australian universities money that way (I don't expect *THAT* many responses). Thanks in Advance Andy Dent A.D. Software phone 09 249 2719 Mac & VAX programmer 94 Bermuda Dve, Ballajura a_dent@fennel.cc.uwa.oz Western Australia 6066 a_dent@fennel.cc.uwa.oz.AU (international)