(Sushil Shukla) (10/13/90)
Hai there We are using Oracle (version 6) for large and reasonably complex application and we want a good security system. Basically we are looking for following features :- 1. Users access to data base should be dependent on the application which he is using instead of security being a static model e.g. he may need update access to data while accessing it through an application but he should have select access only while accessing though ad-hoc query system like Sql, since all the defensive checks being performed by application will be absent in Sql environment. 2. We should be able to grant/restrict access till column level. One option available to us is to build security into applications, but disadvantage of this approach is that it will not be able to support Sql environment. That is why this hunt for a layer between applications and data base. Do you happen to know of a package which satisfies or nearly satisfies our requirements? Thanks in advance. Sushil ____*_ Sushil Shukla \ / / Independence Technologies {sun,sharkey,pacbell}!indetech!sushil \/ / 42705 Lawrence Place FAX: 415 438-2034 \/ Fremont, CA 94538 Voice: 415 438-2029 -- ____*_ Sushil Shukla \ / / Independence Technologies {sun,sharkey,pacbell}!indetech!sushil \/ / 42705 Lawrence Place FAX: 415 438-2034 \/ Fremont, CA 94538 Voice: 415 438-2029