(Michael Lipka) (10/12/90)
Hi everybody out there! There's been an article written by someone asking for a *ix-dBase. I've read this newsgroup very frequently but there was never any answer to this question. I have three applications, written for a dBase3+-clone, running under *dos and I need them! But it is very inconvenient to shutdown *ix twice a week and then again hack those data first collected under *ix and copied to *dos. Yes I know, dBase it not the right choice for *ix, but I wouldn't like to rewrite the command-scripts in C or awk, now they are stable at last. Many PD-pools hold several dBase-clones for *dos, each in the range of $40-$80, but for *ix I couldn't find one (although it should be easy to write a Clipper-like dBase-compiler for an expert in LEX / YACC???) Any help would be greatly appreciated. (But not of the form "send $1000 to Ashton Tate..." please ;-) ) Michael -------------------------------------------------------------------- | I04LIP@DHHDESY3.BITNET | Michael Lipka | |-------------------------------------- | | (what should have been written here?) --------------------------------------------------------------------
jgb@prism.gatech.EDU (James G. Baker) (10/13/90)
In article <> (Michael Lipka) writes: >There's been an article written by someone asking for a *ix-dBase. >I've read this newsgroup very frequently but there was never any >answer to this question. Recital is a dBase/Clipper/Foxbase compatable system for many, many Unix platforms (AIX/386-IX/VAX/SCO/more). I got some litterature on it and was *very* impressed. Apparently, one can take Clipper code (my specialty) and convery it straight to Recital. I don't think it uses the same .dbf files, but there's probably a conversion utility. Prices seemed reasonable. Look in a DATABASED ADVISOR magazine or a PROGRAMMER WORKSHOP catalog for more details or write me and I'll try to find the info. -- BAKER,JAMES G - Lab Technician, School of Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!jgb Internet: