[comp.databases] Need ideas on remote databases

funk@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu (Bruce Funk) (11/28/90)

We are in the process of (re)designing a database application (for 
telephone operators doing directory assistance).  Essentially there are 
several remote sites and one master copy of the database.  Each site
maintains a copy of the master.  Sites may submit recommended changes to
the database, but they must be approved by the personnel at the master
site, and then propagated to the remotes.  The sites have only dial up
connections with the master site.

Am looking to correspond with anyone who has experience with such an
arrangement.  Specific items of interest are:

   - Currency of databases... making sure all sites have/receive all updates.
   - Propagation of changes... send the whole record, or individual fields
     (with ID code)?.
   - Remote sites must be able to query for status of submitted changes.
   - Implementation and  merging of "local" numbers that are maintained
      and retrieved locally, but not propagated outside of the remote site.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.  Please email, as I don't think that
this is of general interest.  Please use the zweibrucken address.

|        Bruce Funk                         INTERNET: funk@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu |
|Chief, *IX Support Team     __________________funkb@zweibrucken-emh1.army.mil |
|USAISEC-EUR                 |                                                 |
|Zweibruecken, W. Germany    | Any resemblance between me and reality          |
|(guesting on osiris)        | is strictly coincidental                        |