(Steve Croft) (12/14/90)
We have an Ingres application that will use 5 local area networks, each LAN connected together with one (maybe two) T1 network(s). Each LAN will have about 25 PC's tied in. The choice for front-ends would be: a) use Telnet VT100 emulation on the PC's b) use Ingres DOS front-ends on the PC's c) use a small LAN server on each LAN to which the PC's will connect. Each LAN server will run an Ingres front-end (the LAN server, probably a Sun, would handle database traffic over the T1). The PC's will run X-server software and run the app as an X-Client on the LAN server (so you have about 25 X-Servers running on each LAN). The question is: What option would tie up the T1 line most? It seems to me that the order of choices (from least net traffic to most) would be a,c,b. Any thoughts? The most important considerations are to keep T1 use down, yet still provide adequate response for users. I know these type of "Situation Questions" can be boring, so thanks for reading this far. Steve Croft