(Hooshyar Naraghi) (12/14/90)
Dear Foxbase+/Mac Gurus: I have a encountered a problem that I do not know why it happens. I called Fox tech support, and he could not recreate the problem on his machine. He suggested something was wrong with my hardware. Well this is what is going on. I hope you can help me out. use database1 ** it has a memo field called memo1 @ 10,10 get memo1 size 10,50 scroll pict '@N' read ** @N will make it a read only window So far so good. The text region area will be displayed and you cannot modify the text. Now, exit the text region and do the following: browse double click on the memo1 field (either current record or another record) to open its text region window. When I attempt to modify the text, the computer beeps and I cannot modify the text. Next, use database2 ** it has a memo field called memo2 ** which is different from memo1 browse double click on the memo field to open its text region window. It cannot be changed either! It seems that the pict '@N' phrase locks any memo field to read only for any database that has a memo field. The only way to recover from this is to issue the above @ command with no pict '@N' phrase. Does anybody know why this happens? My hardware is a Macintosh SE running System 6.0.2, and the Foxbase+/Mac version is 2.00. Thanks in advance for your testing this. Hooshyar Naraghi (415) 324-1055