(Horst Laumer) (12/17/90)
Hi, netters
I encountered an annoying problem in developing an app under INGRES 6.1,
running on an 386-box under SCO 3.2.2.
The underlying data-structure is as follows:
table 'personnal'
- internal key (unique)
- name
- firm-no
table 'departments'
- firm-no
- dept-no
- dept-name
table 'organisation'
- internal key (same as in 'personnal')
- dept-no
- project
At one place, I do a
'table-field = select k1 = a.internal_key, name = dept = b.dept
from personnal a, organisation b
where a.firm_no = 1 and b.dept_no = 100 and a.internal_key = b.internal_key{};'
in ABF,and everything works fine.
At onother place, I do a
'select k1 = a.internal_key, name = dept = b.dept
from personnal a, organisation b
where a.firm_no = 1 and b.dept_no = 100 and a.internal_key = b.internal_key{
callproc message(:k1);
, but now the app crashes with SYSSEGV. I omitted the 'callproc'-statement,
but still the same. I did the same select in ISQL, and it worked fine, thus
it should not be an error in the select itsself.
Any ideas?
thanks in advance
Horst Laumer, Kantstrasse 107, D-1000 Berlin 12 ! Bang-Adress: Junk-Food
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