([Massbuster] Northern Territory University) (12/20/90)
hi well i have this problem with Paradox3. i have been importing ascii files into paradox for a while but recently when i was importing some files i found that some of the records were missing. i checked the ascii file and found nothing amiss it just seemed to have decided that it had enough and stopped before the end of the file. i deleted the table and tried again, same result but stopped on a different record. i then cut the missing records out to another file and successfully appended them to the table. the file is about 1 meg which is well within the documented limit for paradox. i use a virtual disk (on a Vax) which is accessed via Digital PCSA network software so i thought maybe this could be a problem but it did the same thing when i moved the ascii file to my hard disk. has anyone come across this problem before? any suggestions appreciated ta muchly -- ****************************************************************************** Robbie Cook Northern Territory University Darwin AUSTRALIA addr : "He trudged along, unknowing what he sought, and whistled as he went, for want of a thought" - Dryden ******************************************************************************