[comp.databases] Topic by Verity

lou@bern.csmil.umich.edu (Lou Rosenfeld) (01/24/91)

I'm looking for any opinions, feedback, and general information
on Topic, a text retrieval product by Verity, a Mountain View
California company.  I am especially interested in how Topic
performs in a distributed environment, and how user populations
have taken to constructing topics within the system.  Is there
a user group?  Perhaps this could be the beginning of one.

|   Louis Rosenfeld		 	voice:  (313) 763-9021   |
|   Research Scientist			  fax:  (313) 936-3168   |
|   CSMIL/College of Engineering    				 |
|   The University of Michigan					 |
|   C-2420 BusAd						 |
|   701 Tappan Street                                internet:   |	 
|   Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1234              lou@csmil.umich.edu   | 