timk@wynnds.xenitec.on.ca (Tim Kuehn) (02/08/91)
I'm working on a project now where the client, who is presently using an Mainframe, is moving applications off the mainframe to PC's, with an eye towards moving into Unix in the time to come. What I'm looking for from the net.public is opinions or experiences in endevours such as this. Also, we'd like to know what platforms the following pkgs will work on. I've added the OSs I know they work on, if there are any other platforms please followup. Comments would be welcome too. Foxbase/+ Dos, SCO Unix/Xenix dBase/IV Dos, (Unix?) We're also looking at moving towards a SQL pkg in the future too. Some pkgs we're aware of include: Informix, Progress, Oracle For these last three products we'd like to know what, if any gotcha's there may be in going from a dos to Unix environment, and any performance issues that may be of concern. Thanks for your time and comments! Any email will be followed up in a summary to the net when appropriate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Kuehn TDK Consulting Services (519)-888-0766 timk@wynnds.xenitec.on.ca -or- !{watmath|lsuc}!xenitec!wynnds!timk Valpo EE turned loose on unsuspecting world! News at 11!
keithm@dbase.A-T.COM (Keith Mund) (02/12/91)
In article <1991Feb7.223244.253@wynnds.xenitec.on.ca> timk@wynnds.xenitec.on.ca (Tim Kuehn) writes: >I'm working on a project now where the client, who is presently >using an Mainframe, is moving applications off the mainframe >to PC's, with an eye towards moving into Unix in the time to >come. What I'm looking for from the net.public is opinions or >experiences in endevours such as this. dBASE IV is currently shipping on DOS, VMS, and UNIX. A MAC version named RUNTIME+ has been announced as in the making. All these versions use the same datafiles, the same object files (similar to PASCAL PCODE), and allow networking. The same files can be accessed by networked PCs, VMS and UNIX files (MAC when available) at the same time. Keith Mund -- Keith Mund
keithm@dbase.A-T.COM (Keith Mund) (02/12/91)
I forgot to mention, dBASE IV on all platforms supports SQL and QBE. Keith Mund -- Keith Mund
awd@dbase.A-T.COM (Alastair Dallas) (02/13/91)
In article <1991Feb7.223244.253@wynnds.xenitec.on.ca>, timk@wynnds.xenitec.on.ca (Tim Kuehn) writes: > Also, we'd like to know what platforms the following pkgs will > work on. I've added the OSs I know they work on, if there are any > other platforms please followup. Comments would be welcome too. > > Foxbase/+ Dos, SCO Unix/Xenix > dBase/IV Dos, (Unix?) dBASE IV v1.1 is available for DOS, VMS and Sun Unix and versions have been announced (Mac was demoed at Comdex) for the Macintosh and SCO Unix. It is Ashton-Tate's stated strategy to support the dBASE product line fully on a wide variety of platforms such that an application development investment today on DOS dBASE IV does not require new investment in a few years when different operating systems and hardware comes along. /alastair/ Disclaimer> This blatant commercial message was brought to you by me. Ashton-Tate disavows all knowledge of my actions including the very typing of this disclaimer.
de@helios.ucsc.edu (De Clarke) (02/13/91)
I am new to all these threads, but bear with me if this repeats previous chatter: we (our unit and the campus as a whole) are seriously considering unix database packages from the "Big Four" Sybase Ingres Oracle Informix and we are very interested to hear other people's love and hate stories about any of the following facets of any of the four: Product: efficiency, speed, installation, maintenance, documentation, ease of use, software tools Vendor: efficiency, speed, responsiveness, honesty, development effort, general customer relations This decision could set direction for the next decade so we definitely do not want to climb in bed with the "wrong" vendor. You could mail directly to me if the rest of the readers are bored silly with this already. Otherwise I will check in here once a week (that's all my local nntpserver can handle). --de PS my particular slice of the pie is a port of a medium-sized (70MB of data files and 50K lines of application) double-entry accounting system from DEC DTR32 under VMS to XXXXX where XXXXX is whatever we all decide on. Has anyone out there ported a DTR application to a unix SQL type database? Did you survive the experience or are you now washing windows in Kennebunk? ;-> I'd like to hear about it. #include <std_disclaimer.h>