timos@pronto.cs.umd.edu (Timos Sellis) (03/14/91)

                    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON


     The paradigm for the Next Generation of Information Process-
ing Systems will involve large numbers of intelligent agents dis-
tributed over large computer/communication networks. Work will be
conducted  on  the  network  in  many  forms.  Work tasks will be
defined by one (centralized - e.g., a complex  engineering  task)
or  more  (decentralized  -  e.g.,  monitoring  many systems of a
patient or many stations in a factory) agents and  will  be  exe-
cuted by agents acting autonomously, cooperatively, or collabora-
tively, depending on the resources required to complete the task.
A  goal  of  this  vision is to be able to efficiently, and tran-
sparently,  use  all  computing  resources   (e.g.,   processing,
knowledge  and data) that are available on all computers in large
computer/communications network. The design,  construction,  use,
and  evolution  of systems within the above paradigm will require
sophisticated support for all aspects of the systems life  cycle.
We call such systems Intelligent and Cooperative Information Sys-
tems (ICIS).

     The concept of ICIS is evolving from several currently  dis-
joint  technologies including Database Systems, Artificial Intel-
ligence, Programming Languages,  Software/Knowledge  Engineering,
Cooperative  Work, Distributed Computing, Office Information Sys-
tems, etc.

     Areas expected to benefit from ICIS research and development
include   Computer   Integrated  Manufacturing,  Distributed  AI,
Human-Computer  Interaction,  Office  Automation,   Collaborative
Work,  Coordination  Technology, Groupware, Interoperability, and
Intelligent (Communication) Networks.

     The growing belief is that the next generation  of  informa-
tion  processing  systems, and for that matter, of computing sys-
tems in general, will be based on the ICIS paradigm.   ICIS  will
bring  related concepts from Artificial Intelligence, Programming
Languages and Information Technology closer for  the  purpose  of
producing  high  quality, reliable information at the level of an
effective decision making system.


     The purpose of  the  International  Journal  on  Intelligent
Cooperative  Information Systems (IJICIS) is to provide the forum
within which both the AI and DBS research communities can come to
understand  the  intricacies of intelligent cooperative work. The
existence of this forum would contribute towards the evolution of
ICIS,  thereby  leading to its appreciation by the wider computer
science community and its integration into the next generation of
computing systems.

IJICIS addresses a two-sided problem:  how  can  the  information
systems  technology  of  the future benefit from AI, and what can
information technology offer to contemporary and future  AI  sys-
tems.  Specifically,  the journal will provide a platform for the
exchange of ideas and for the  identification  of  the  potential
roles and nature of the emerging notion of ICIS.  It will examine
a wide spectrum of issues related to  interdisciplinary  research
and  development  in ICIS.  It will help assess the state-of-the-
art and future prospects of ICIS.


Editors in Charge:

 Mike P. Papazoglou, Australian National University
 Timos K. Sellis, University of Maryland, USA

Regional Editors:

 John G. Hughes, Univ. of Ulster, Ireland
 Yahiko Kambayashi, Kyoto Univ., Japan
 Matthew Morgenstern, Xerox Advanced Information Systems, USA

Associate Editors:
 Bruce I. Blum, The Johns Hopkins University
 Alex Borgida, Rutgers Univ.
 Nick Bourbakis, IBM, San Jose
 Ronald Brachman, AT&T Bell Labs
 Michael Brodie, GTE Labs, USA
 Janis Bubenko, University of Stockholm
 Robert Colomb, CSIRO, Sydney
 Richard Hull, Univ. of Southern California
 Sushil Jajodia, George Mason Univ.
 Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen
 Dimitris Karagiannis, FAW Univ. of Ulm
 Masaru Kitsuregawa, Univ. of Tokyo
 Fred Lochovsky , Univ. of Toronto
 Vincent Lum, Naval Postgraduate School
 Ron Morrison, Univ. of St. Andrews
 John Mylopoulos, Univ. of Toronto
 Nick Roussopoulos, University of Maryland
 Robin B. Stanton, Australian National University
 Dennis Tsichritzis, Univ. of Geneva
 Patrick Valduriez, INRIA-France
 Norihiko Yoshida, Kyushu Univ.


     IJICIS welcomes papers describing  original  ideas  and  new
results  on  the foundations and role of intelligent and coopera-
tive information systems.  Methodology oriented or practical con-
tributions, solid theoretical results, and empirical studies that
are expected to have a potential impact on the emerging field  of
ICIS are also invited.  Suggested topics include but are not lim-
ited to:

+  Novel Architectures for ICIS,
+  Advanced Modeling and Reasoning Techniques for
     Intelligent Information Processing,
+  Knowledge Engineering Techniques in ICIS,
+  Higher Level Descriptive Programming Languages for ICIS,
+  Data/Knowledge Representation and Management Techniques for
     Coordinating Multiple Cooperating Agents,
+  Interoperability Issues in Distributed, Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases
+  Techniques for Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving,
+  Techniques for Partitioning and Composing Data and Knowledge,
+  Effective Techniques for Cooperative Problem Solving,
+  Active Decision Support Systems,
+  Cooperative User Interfaces for Problem Solving and Effective
     Decision Making.


     Please submit 5 copies  of  your  paper  to  any  Editor-in-

     Articles are to be in English and typed double-spaced on one

side of white A4 sized paper.  Page 1 should contain the  article
title  (not  more  than 15 words), author(s), affiliation(s), and
the name and complete mailing  address  of  the  person  to  whom
correspondence  should  be  sent.   Page 2 should contain a short
abstract.  References should be indicated in the text by  numbers
in  square  brackets and listed at the end of the paper by number
in the order in which they are cited.

     All contributions will be acknowledged and refereed.

     Contributions accepted for publication are  required  to  be
prepared  by  the author(s) in camera-ready format using computer
typesetting software. The preferred software package is  PC  TeX.
Detailed  instructions for authors can be requested from the pub-

    World Scientific Publishing Co. PTE LTD
    Farrer Road
    P.O. Box 128
    SINGAPORE 9128

If requested, the Editors-in-charge can send an electronic version
of the  TeX format to the author(s) through electronic mail.
Timos Sellis - CS Dept, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
INTERNET:timos@cs.umd.edu 	USENET:{uunet,decvax,allegra,...}!mimsy!timos
VOICE: +1-301-405-2709	 	FAX: +1-301-405-6707