[comp.databases] Help! Motif + Pro*C, C library problems

E_CMA@vaxa.nerc-murchison.ac.uk (04/29/91)

  I have just started work on a Motif interface to a PRO*C application.

  [ Motif 1.0, (uses same X11R3 libraries as DECwindows) under VMS 5.3,
    ORACLE 6.0 ]

  I have run up against a known bug... the incompatibility of VAXCRTL
  and ORACRTL. Unfortunately the DECW$XLIBSHR.EXE file already comes linked
  with VAXCRTL, while the PRO*C routines need ORACRTLT.EXE.

  One cannot link to both, since there is a psec conflict with 
  C$$TRNS_VALUES  and _CTYPE_ which generate LINK errors, preventing
  the formation of an image file, not to mention lots of duplicate 
  definition warnings.

  It is not practical to separate the functions completely, since there
  are some modules e.g. for access and cursor contents display which
  require explicit access to both X and Oracle. Portability and 
  maintainability considerations preclude reverting to PRO*FORTRAN 
  + mixed language programming, pipes etc.

  I have heard rumours of a fix. Can anyone give me a workaround?


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