geoff@hinode.East.Sun.COM (Geoff Arnold @ Sun BOS - R.H. coast near the top) (05/02/91)
Quoth (Doug Robb) (in <1991Apr23.020301.18222@uniwa.uwa.oz>):
#palowoda@fiver (Bob Palowoda) writes:
#> 2.) I seem to have a 50 filename limit in PC-NFS. More than 50 filenames
#> in one directory causes the net to hang. Workaround? Fixed in NFS
#> 3.5?
#I too have found this annoying problem with pcnfs 3.0.1. Usually
#however the net doesn't hang but refuses to write any more
#files (create/access errors).
Well, I'm siting here looking at a remote directory with 148 assorted
files and subdirectories, some with mapped names. I've tried DIR, LIST,
various NOrton gizmos, other PD directory listers, I've created, copied,
deleted files, etc. No 50 limit here. Yet you've both seen this?
More details via email, please.
BTW, one of our standard Connectathon tests creates and manipulates
huge trees, and as far as I know every DOS NFS client passes with
-- Geoff Arnold, PC-NFS architect, Sun Microsystems. (geoff@East.Sun.COM) --
-- Sun Microsystems PC Distributed Systems ... --
-- ... soon to be a part of SunTech (stay tuned for details) --