[comp.databases] Extended-deadline IJCAI-Wkp on Intelligent & Cooperative Info. Sys.

mike@aldebaran.anu.oz.au (Mike Papazoglou) (05/07/91)

                          IJCAI-91 WORKSHOP


            Darling Harbour Sydney Australia - 25 August 1991.


The paradigm for the Next Generation of Information Processing
Systems will involve large numbers of intelligent agents distributed
over large computer/communication networks.  Work tasks will be
defined by one or more agents and will be executed by a pool of agents
acting autonomously, cooperatively, or collaboratively, depending on
the resources required to complete the task.  A goal of this vision is
to be able to efficiently, and transparently, use all computing
resources (e.g., processing, knowledge and data) that are available on
all computers in large computer/communications network.  The design,
construction, use, and evolution of systems within the above paradigm
will require sophisticated support for all aspects of the systems life
cycle.  We call such systems Intelligent and Cooperative Information
Systems (ICIS).

Unlike past major advances in information processing the concept of an
ICIS is evolving from several currently disjoint technologies.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can contribute knowledge representation
and reasoning techniques, on one hand, and distributed problem solving
in a multi-agent environment on the other.
Software/Knowledge/Information Engineering can contribute design and
development environments/shells and methodologies for building ICIS.
These represent only a sample of the component technologies and the
contributions they can make to ICIS.  Other technologies include
Cooperative Work, Distributed Computing, Office Information Systems,
and Interoperability.


In this Workshop we propose to address many aspects of the ICIS
functionality, implementation, deployment, and evolution.  Thus, the
Workshop will provide an ideal forum for exchange of ideas and for
identification of the potential roles and nature of the emerging
notion of Intelligent Cooperative Information Systems.


The Workshop will solicit papers describing original ideas and new
results on the foundations and role of ICIS.  Suggested topics include
but are not limited to:

#1  Novel  Architectures for ICIS,
#2 Advanced Modelling and Reasoning Techniques for  ICIS:
   - Data/Knowledge Representation and Management Techniques for 
     Coordinating Multiple Cooperating Agents,
   - Techniques for Partitioning and Composing Data and Knowledge,
#3 Interoperability Management in Distributed, Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases:
   - Interfaces, protocols and functionality,
   - Consistency and Reliability for Shared Knowledge Bases.
#4 Cooperative User Interfaces for ICIS

The organizing committee consists of:

			Mike P. Papazoglou (Chairman),
		        Australian National University (ANU),
			Dept. of Computer Science,
			GPO Box4, Canberra ACT 2601,
			tel: +61-6-249-4725
    Patrick O. Bobbie,  (US Coordinator)	John G. Hughes (European Coordinator),
    Division of Computer Sci.,			Dept. of Information Systems,
    Univ. of West Florida,			Univ. of Ulster,
    Pensacola,					Shore Rd., 
    Florida, FL 32514-5750,			Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim 
    USA		                                N. Ireland BT37 0QB 
    tel: +1-904-474-2250                        tel: +44-232-365131
    pbobbie%uwf.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu          CBFE23@ujvax.ulster.ac.uk

The organizing committee will be assisted with paper reviweing by the
program committee which consists of the following people:

Peter Bernus (Univ.  of Queensland),
Bruce Blum (Johns Hopkins Univ.),
Dimitris Karagiannis (Univ.  of Ulm),
Erik Knudsen (Cap Gemini, Sweden), 
Vince Lum (Naval Postgraduate School), 
Louis Marinos (Erasmus Univ. Holand),
Matthew Morgenstern (Xeror Advanced Information Systems),
Timos Sellis (Univ.  of Maryland), 
John Smith (CSIRO, Australia),
Makoto Takizawa (Tokyo Denki Univ., Japan),
Jeffrey Tsai (Univ.  of Illinois at Chicago), 
Ben Wah (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana),
Norihiko Yoshida (Kyushu Univ., Japan).
The members of the organizing committe, as well as most of the
people in the program committte, are involved in the editing of a new
international journal on the theme of the Workshop which will appear
 in March 1992. 


The Workshop will be one day long and wil take place on Sunday, August
25, 1991. There will be four hour sessions (two morning sessions with
a break, followed by a lunch break (possibly working lunch), followed
by two afternon sessions with a break in between. Session topics will
be determined by the issues addressed in the submissions and will
correspond to the topics already presented above.

Each session will begin with a few overview remarks from one of the
program committee members who has refereed the papers for that
sesssion and will act as a chairman. This will be followed by a brief
presentation (ca. 20 mins) by each of those who had papers accepted
for that session topic.  This will be folowed by an open discussion on
the issues of each session, an wil be mediated by the session
chairmain. To maximize interaction atendance will be limited to 35-40
active participants, with no more than 10-12 presentations.


Thee will be two kinds of submissions:

- Submission of 5 copies of a double-spaced paper not exceeding
  5,000 words not later than June 17, 1991 to the organizing
  committee chairman or the any of the area representatives. 
  The focus of the submissions should be on identification and
  discussion of key issues concerning ICIS as described above and 
  in particular in the role/solutions that AI techniques can provide,
  as well as the current status of existing applications.

  The aim here is to focus on high priority issues for research and to
  encourage domain experts who have runing or prototyped applications to
  describe the special requirements of the application that are not
  addressed by current software as well as their solutions and/or
  unsolved problems.

- Submission of 5 copies of a one-page descriprion of reserach
  interests and current work (including recent publications) which
  demonstrates the ability of the potential participant to contribute to
  the discussions. Domain experts are encouraged to respond in this

Invitations will be primarily issued to those who provide substantive
submissions. The committee will have the final choice concerning the
invitation of participants. All submissions wil be reviewed by the
program commitee. the selection of presenters an dparticipants will be
based on originality and strength of their submissions as wel as
contribution to the field. Presenters and participants will be
notified by mid July 1991. Final copy submissions will be made by 
mid August 1991.

A major publishing company has been approached for publishing the
workshop proceedings.  Selected papers will be considered for
publication in a special issue of intentional journal on ``Intelligent
& Cooperative Information Systems'' (IJICIS).


Deadline for submission: 17 June, 1991.

Notification of acceptance or rejection: July 1991.

Final paper due: 16 August, 1991.

Conference: August 25, 1991.
For further information please contact the organizing committee chair: