[comp.databases] Systems Analysis Questions

brian@edat.UUCP (brian douglass personal account) (05/07/91)

I'm not sure if this is the right group or not, but it doesn't seem
any other group was more approrpriate to ask question about Systems
Development LifeCycle (SDLC) approaches and Structured Systems
Analysis.  Here goes.

When I do an analysis I use traditional Yourdon DFD tied into Chen
ERDs.  I am very happy with this.  A new theory I am learning
places sequence numbers on each data flow to present the sequence
of events.   By following the numbers you can see the system change
from state to state.  The instructor is saying that Yourdon DFDs
are on their way out being replaced by this Enviromental Model
(EM).  Is this true?

In this system, their is a tremendous fixation on physical rather
than logical.  The reasoning being Management relates better to a
physical model where they can trace the steps through versus a
logical model (like a Yourdon DFD) where there is no sequence of
events (I contend that state-less machines are the better approach
with the arrival of data at a process serving as a trigger for a
sequence of events within the process defined through Structured
English).  Is the world of SSA and SDLC going to modeling through
state transition?

Lastly, they use something called Programming Logic Diagrams (PLDs)
to document program flow.  It is sort of like an outline, but uses
brackets to show program development.  To me, this method again can
become overly physical if the analyst is not careful.

	    |--get supplies   
make PB&J --|--spread supplies
Sandwich    |
	    |--put bread together

The teacher claims this type of diagramming is replacing DFDs also.
There is no ER modeling, and they have I/O modeling (this goes to
this disk, and to this printer).  

Is anyone using this kind of technique or heard of it?  What are
most people using?

Thanks in advance.

(E-mail and I'll summarize)

Brian Douglass			Voice: 702-361-1510 X311
Electronic Data Technologies	FAX #: 702-361-2545
1085 Palms Airport Drive	brian@edat.uucp
Las Vegas, NV 89119-3715