tyers@rhea.trl.OZ.AU (P Tyers) (05/21/91)
an someone help me? I have two forms applications, one a purchase order generation application with base table DSO, the other an application which tracks payments against orders with a base table PAYMENTS. Application 2 (payments) needs to update fields in DSO table to keep track of total amount paid against an order. My problem is that if a row is locked in the order generation table DSO (due to other update actions) and I attempt to do a select .... from DSO ... for update of .... (i.e. attempt to put a row level lock on DSO) without a NOWAIT option my payments application locks up. With a NOWAIT option the trigger step aborts with "ORA-00054 Resource busy and acquire with nowait specified" rather than failing gracefully and going through my error handler which tells the operator to try later. Is there any way under forms 2.x or even 3.0 where you can gracefully check if a row is locked? P Tyers, Tel. +61-(0)3-5416794 JANET tyers%trl.oz.au@uk.ac.ucl.cs ACSnet tyers@trl.oz UUCP {uunet,hplabs,ukc}!munnari!trl.oz.au!tyers CSnet tyers@trl.oz.au ARPAnet tyers%trl.oz.au@uunet.uu.net HAM: VK3KTS MAIL: Telecom Research Laboratories,P.O. Box 249,Clayton,VICTORIA 3168,AUSTRALIA