xexeo@cernvax.cern.ch (geraldo xexeo) (05/28/91)
It is time for reviewing the information I got. There was not too much interest, but I think it is fair to give all the information I have up to now. The subject was: Do you have information about text databases? I should agree that it was too broad, but that is how things starts. I am more interested (but not only) on systems that maintains databases of structured documents, done in SGML, LAtex, etc... I received answers from: *Liam Quin <lee@sq.sq.com>, who told me about lq *Harlam Stenn <plus5!harlan%plus5.com> who is implementing a system for a newspaper! *Debbie Hoekman <debbie@iris.claremont.edu>, who suggested "Full Text Databases" by Carol Tenopir * Marvin Beck <GO.MSB@ISUMVS.BITNET> whose boss would like to know about my findings... ;-) * <klassen@sol.uvic.ca> Who remembered me about SPIRES! * Bruce Atherton ,<atherton@unixg.ubc.ca> Who gave me a fine literature and pointers to conferences and to lq also. My thanks to all of you! And so, here came the references I have, in the same format as in the HCI bibliography project, refer compatible. They come from the people listed and from my own fidings on the libraries of CERN and ETH/Zurich (which has a nice computer system). I don't need to say that the references didn't cross and that I will have to ask for the suggested books by the inter-library service... Murphy is all around. Ah! The HCI is a project that is developing a database about articles on Human Computer Interaction (yes, Hypertext is there). FTP to cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu, look for pub/hcibib, OR send a message to hcibib@cis.ohio-state.edu where the first line is: "Send: index". OK, here come the listing: ========================== (PS: I do not list too obvius things, as the TeX/LaTeX books and some outdated material that were just at hand in the library :-)) %T title, %A author, %C city, %I issuer, %D date , %X comments, %P pages %G isbn, %S series, %R tech. report. %T Full Text Databases %A Carol Tenopir %T Electronic filing and retrieval : developments in full text retrieval %A John A. T. Pritchard %C Manchester %I NCC Publications %D 1989 %P 175 %G ISBN 0-85012-788-2 %A Van Rijsbergen, C. J. %T Information Retrieval (Second_Edition) %I Butterworths %C London/Boston %D 1979 %A Salton, G. %T Automatic Text Processing %I Addison Wesley %C Reading Mass. %D 1989 %A Salton, G. and McGill, M. %T Text retrieval : the state of the art %T : proceedings of the Institute of Information Scientists Text Retrieval %T Conferences: "The User's Perspective" (1988) and "Text Management" (1989) %E Peter Gillman %C London %I Taylor Graham %D 1990 %P 208 %G ISBN 0-947568-44-1 %T _Introduction_To_Modern_Information_Retrieval_, %I McGraw-Hill %C New York %D 1983 %A Sanchez de Miguel, A %T SGML and SQLtextretrieval %D 1990 %R Technical Report CERN CN 90-9 %I CERN - CN division %C Geneva %X Describes the use of a system at CERN that stores SGML formatted %X text in a Oracle SQL Text Retrieval data base. %A Ayres, F H %T Electronic document delivery; 9, the linkage between bibliographic %T and full-text databases - a feasibility study %R Technical report EUR 10677 EN %D 1987 %X I could not find, it was lost in my library... %O It seems to be from the European Community %A DOUGHERTY, Dale %T UNIX text processing %C Indianapolis, Ind. %I Hayden Books, %D 1987 (repr. 1989). - 665 p. %A KIMBERLEY, Robert ed %T Text retrieval : a directory of software. - 2nd ed. %I Aldershot : Gower %S 1987 %A WORKSHOP ON THE INTRODUCTION TO TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEMS. 1985 %T An introduction to text processing systems : current problems and %T solutions %P Dublin : Boole Press, 1985. - 120 p. %A WORKSHOP ON THE INTRODUCTION TO TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEMS. 1984 %T An introduction to text processing systems : lecture notes, Dublin, %T Ireland, %D 22-23 Oct. 1984 %C Dublin %I Boole Press, %P 59 p. %A WILLETT, Peter %T Parallel database processing : text retrieval and cluster analysis %T using the DAP %I Pitman %C London %D 1990 %P 173 p. %A INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE. Le %A Chesnay %T Le document electronique %C Rocquencourt %I INRIA %D 1990. %P 216. %X Not checked %R Technical report %A VAN HERWIJNEN, Eric %T Practical SGML %C Dordrecht %I Kluwer %D 1990. %P 307 p. %X Good Introduction to SGML %A EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON TEX FOR SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTATION. 1986 %T Proceedings, Strasbourg, %D 19-21 June 1986 %C Berlin %I Springer %P 204 %X Lost at CERN Library... %A INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION. Geneva %T Documentation and information. - 3rd ed. %C Geneva %Y 1988 %P 1021 %X Not checked %A ULLMAN, Jeffrey D %T Principles of database and knowledge-base systems, v.2 : The new %T technologies %C Rockville, Md. %I Computer Science Press, %D 1989. %P 504 p. %A ULLMAN, Jeffrey D %T Principles of database and knowledge-base systems, v.1 %C Rockville, Md. %I Computer Science Press, %D 1988. %P 631 p. %A McALEESE, Ray ed %T Hypertext : theory into practice %C Oxford %I Blackwell %D 1989 %P 175 %A SHNEIDERMAN, Ben %T Hypertext hands-on ! : an introduction to a new way of organizing and accessing information %C Reading, Mass. %I Addison-Wesley, %D 1989. %P 165 %X Has a disk with a hypertext system. %S ACMSIGIR CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN INFORMATION %S RETRIEVAL %T SIGIR '89 : proceedings of the annual international conference, %C Cambridge, Mass., %D 25-28 June 1989 %X Technical papers from databases techniques to hypertext implementations. %T Protext IV : proceedings of the fourth International %T Conference on Text Processing Systems %D 20-22 October 1987, %C Boston, USA %E ed. by J. J. H. Miller %I Dublin, Ireland : Boole Press %P 153 %G ISBN 0-906783-80-1 (Hardback). ISBN 0-906783-79-8 (Paperback) %X There are PROTEXT I to III at least %T Document databases %A Geoffrey James %C New York %I Van Nostrand Reinhold %D 1985 %G ISBN 0-442-28185-4 %T Text, ConText, and HyperText : writing with and for the computer %E ed. by Edward Barrett %C Cambridge, Massachusetts (etc.) %I The MIT Press %D 1988 %P 368 %S MIT Press series in information systems %G ISBN ISBN 0-262-02275-3 %T Text retrieval : the state of the art %T : proceedings of the Institute of Information Scientists Text Retrieval %T Conferences: "The User's Perspective" (1988) and "Text Management" (1989) %E Peter Gillman %C London %I Taylor Graham %D 1990 %P 208 %G ISBN 0-947568-44-1 %T Hypertext and Hypermedia %A Jakob Nielsen %I Academic Press %D 1990 #T The graceful integration of text and fac-simile in an eletronic #T document delivery system #B New Trends in Eletronic Publishing and Eletronic Libraries #C Essen #I Gesamthochshculbibliothek Essen #D 1984 #E Ahmed H. Helal #E Joachim W. Weiss #A Thomas Hickey #T MIDOC: An Integrated Interactive System for Structuring, Editing #T and retrieving Documents #B PROTEXT I #A J. Courtin #A I. Kowarski #A C. Michaux #T TeX Document Retrieval #A D. Lucarella #B PROTEXT I #T Structured Documents #E J. Andre #E R. Furuta #E V. Quint #I INRIA #S The Cambridge Serires on Eletronic Publishing #C Cambridge #D 1989 #G ISBN 0 521 36554 6 #T SPIRES short-reference #X File available at CERN, from SLAC. Last Remark: Bruce Atherton says: >I am doing a lot of work on text databases, but mostly using custom software >that uses the Vector Space Model to find documents relevant to a query. >As a result, we don't really care what form the original text is stored in >as long as we can do keyword extraction. However, I know that a lot of >work is also being done with systems that have a more intimate knowledge >of the text layout. >Perhaps you should talk to the Consortium for Lexical Research. They >have a mailing list, although I have only ever received one piece of mail >from it. The contact address is lexical@nmsu.edu and you can also find out >about the programs of information exchange they are setting up. >One other suggestion: you may wish to look at the lq system. It is a >simple boolean text retrieval package, but it may make a good starting >point for you. It is available from cs.toronto.edu under the pub >directory somewhere. The file name is something like lq1.10.tar.Z. Again, thanks! Geraldo Xexeo