pd@mimosa.unice.fr (Philippe Delapchier) (05/27/91)
-- Hello, I'm a student at the university of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (FRANCE) and actually work on the parallel database machines. Does anybody works on the TERADATA DBC/1012 or SEQUENT Symmetry ? Please give me your mind on those database computers and all informations you have about performances. Thanks. ************************************ * Philippe DELAPCHIER * * * * 4 place des Arcades * \|||||/ * 06250 MOUGINS LE HAUT * - - * * o o * FRANCE * ^ * * w * * * * * pd@mimosa.unice.fr * ************************************
lugnut@sequent.UUCP (Don Bolton) (05/29/91)
In article <212@taloa.unice.fr> pd@mimosa.unice.fr (Philippe Delapchier) writes: > >-- > > Hello, > > I'm a student at the university of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (FRANCE) and actually work on the parallel database machines. > > Does anybody works on the TERADATA DBC/1012 or SEQUENT Symmetry ? > > Please give me your mind on those database computers and all informations you have about performances. > I work on several Symmetry machines :-) I cannot (nor will attempt to) vouch for the "T" offering, what I can say (SPEAKING SOLEY ON MY OWN BEHALF) is that I'm *spoiled* having such a machine as the Symmetry at my beck and call. My current developement machine is also a timeshare machine with a user load up to 500 users doing anything from sending mail, reading news, using text editors, spread- sheet programs, as well as several RDBMS propritary products for a large number of applications. Peak loads reflect in very little noticable response delays. Frankly I tend to take it all for granted, its fast, its reliable and I'm spoiled in as much as I don't ever have reason to want for more horsepower, in fact, I've written several menu interface applications to display flat files in shell script merely because perfomance and cpu cycles are such a "non issue" that compiled language code was not a need. As far as performance numbers are concerned, I'll let you hear those from "the real world" :-) or the sales folks :-) Don "just annother RDBMS hacker" Bolton