(David Reiner) (06/13/91)
In article <> (Gregory Huffman) writes: > Could you nice database experts inform a computer literate but database > illiterate person of some good books on database design fundamentals? Here are the best, IMO. Codes are: C=conceptual design, L=logical design, P=physical design, F=file orientation. (1) Database Modeling and Design: The Entity-Relationship Approach, Teorey (Morgan-Kaufmann, 1990) [CLP] (2) Conceptual Database Design: An Entity-Relationship Approach, Batini, Ceri, and Navathe, Benjamin-Cummings (to be published in July, 1991) [CL] (3) Handbook of Relational Database Design, Fleming and von Halle (Addison-Wesley, 1989) [LP, clear steps] (4) An Introduction to Database Design, Saltzberg (Academic Press, 1986) [LP] (5) Database Analysis and Design, Hawryszkiewycz (Science Research Associates,1984) [CLP] (6) Design of Database Structures, Teorey and Fry (Prentice Hall, 1982) [CLP] (7) File Organization for Database Design, Wiederhold (McGraw Hill, 1987) [F] If you are particularly interested in automated design tools, (2) has an excellent chapter on them. Also /* commercial on */ I have a limited number of copies of comprehensive tutorial notes from a 5-hour tutorial on Automating Database Design that I gave last year, available for $45 /* commercial off */. David Reiner Kendall Square Research 170 Tracer Lane Waltham, MA 02154
haim@taichi.uucp (24122-Haim Kilov(L028)m000) (06/13/91)
Add to this some titles on information modeling and related issues: Grady Booch. Object-oriented design with applications. Benjamin Cummings, 1990. Bertrand Meyer. Object-oriented software construction. Prentice-Hall, 1988. John Hughes. Object-oriented databases. Prentice-Hall, 1991. and, finally, we have published here a Bellcore Special Report: Information modeling concepts and guidelines. Bellcore Special Report SR-OPT-001826, January 1991. Hope this helps. -Haim Kilov