[comp.std.internat] Right-to-left languages

wdr@faron.UUCP (William D. Ricker) (08/26/87)

In article <8480@utzoo.UUCP> henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) writes:
> ...   Don't
>forget the right-to-left problems in Arabic and Hebrew, for that matter.
>I don't know what the best answer is, and am not convinced that anyone else
>does either.  Hence "wait and see".  My sympathy goes out to the people who
>have compelling commercial reasons to do something about these issues now;
>it can't be much fun.

Joseph D. Becker of Xerox Information Systems Division, Sunnyvale, CA,
wrote an article "Arabic Word Processing", p. 600 in /Communications of
the ACM/ Vol. 30 No.7 (July 1987) which discusses the challenges of
Middle-Eastern text processing, focussing primarily on Arabic but also
covering Hebrew.

Publisher's abstract:

	"Recently developed word processing software can
	correctly format the cursive, interacting letters of the
	Arabic script.  Moreover, new layout procedures can
	automatically intermix right-to-left Arabic writing with
	left-to-right text in European or other languages."

I recommend this article to anyone considering international text
processing, which is probably most of the readership of this

The article's Copyright Clearance Center code is:
(C) 1987 ACM 0001-0782/87/0700-0600 $1.50
Non-commercial copies and abstracting are specifically permitted
without fee as long as credit is given under the masthead copyright

Disclaimer: As a Member of the ACM, I stand to benefit by your
subscribing by having more victims for the next dues increase
to be apportioned over.  If I don't resign in dismay before then.
  William Ricker
  wdr@faron.UUCP						(UUCP)
 {decvax,allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!faron!wdr	(UUCP)
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