peter@usenix.UUCP (03/03/87)
In order to further the study of portable operating systems, the USENIX Association will award at least one graduate scholarship for the 1987-88 academic year. The grant(s) will be for not less than $5000. Applicants should be currently enrolled in a graduate program at an accredited post-secondary institution involved in research on UNIX or other portable operating systems. Applicants should send a one page summary of their research, along with their most recent transcript (forwarded directly by the official Registrar of the enrolling institution), and three letters of recommendation, one of which should be from the professor directing the student's work. Applications should be sent to Peter H. Salus, Executive Director, USENIX Association, PO Box 7, El Cerrito, CA 94530. Last date for applications is 15 April 1987. The award(s) will be announced by the USENIX summer conference (June 8-10 in Phoenix). Peter H. Salus Executive Director