[comp.org.usenix] UNIX and Supercomputing

peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter Salus) (01/23/88)

Call for Papers
Workshop on UNIX and Supercomputers
Westin William Penn Hotel
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
September 26-27, 1988
Sponsored by the USENIX Association
A large number of supercomputers are now or will in the future be
running UNIX as their primary operating system.  This is the first
workshop to consider the general problems of running UNIX on
supercomputers, and will cover topics both practical and abstract.
Areas of specific interest include but are not limited to:
Systems administration
File systems
Networking and network protocols
Job batching systems
Monitoring Performance/parallelism
Programming languages and environments
Fast file I/O
Shared memory management
Very large files
The workshop will include both shorter presentations and full-length
papers, and there will also be tours of Pittsburgh Supercomputing
Center and Westinghouse Energy Center facilities and a reception at
the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.  Workshop proceedings will be
available at the Workshop.
If you are interested in presenting either a full paper or a brief
discussion of your current work, please send an abstract of your paper
or presentation to Melinda Shore by  July 15, 1988 .  If you are sending
your submission by US Mail, please send three copies.  All submissions
will be acknowledged.
Program Co-chairs:
Lori Grob                   
NYU Ultracomputer Research Lab
715 Broadway, 10th Floor 
New York, NY  10003         
Melinda Shore
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA  15213