[comp.org.usenix] CALL FOR PAPERS-WASH D.C. '90 CONFERENCE

ellie@usenix.UUCP (Ellie Young) (05/31/89)

                                Call for Papers

                         Winter 1990 USENIX Conference

                              January 22-26, 1990
                                 Omni Shoreham
                                Washington, DC

     Papers are sought in all areas of UNIX-related research and development
for the technical program of the 1990 Winter USENIX Conference.  Papers which
are accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings
and shall be presented during the three days of technical sessions at the

     Appropriate topics for presentation include, but are not limited to:

New Tools and ``Little Languages''
UNIX and AI:
    Intelligent Systems
    Neural Nets
Ada and UNIX -
    Real Experience and Future Expectations
File Systems and Servers
    Failsafe and Failsoft File Managers
    Hierarchical File Migration
    Version Control
Architectures and Compilers
Software Release Systems and Servers
    Documentation issues
Distributed Systems and Services
    Networking and Security
User Interfaces and
    User Interface Management Systems
Experiences and Novel Applications

     All submissions will be considered - however, papers detailing new and
interesting work will be regarded much more favorably than thinly disguised
product announcements or re-runs of previous reports.  The Winter 1990 confer-
ence is requiring that extended abstracts (and not full papers, as in previous
conferences) be submitted.  An extended abstract should describe the nature of
the work, summary of results and conclusions, and should be between 1000-2000
words long (two to three typeset pages).  Time is scheduled for authors of
accepted papers to complete their submissions; therefore, extended abstracts
will only be accepted when it is felt that a complete and worthy paper can be
produced by the final due date.

     The final paper should include a 100-300 word abstract, a discussion of
how the paper relates to other work, illustrative figures (where appropriate),
and citations to relevant literature.  Only previously unpublished submissions
will be considered.  Final papers should contain on the order of 8-12 pages of
single spaced typeset materials.  All final papers must be submitted in a
camera-ready format or electronic format (troff -ms if possible) - typewritten
or dot-matrix output is not acceptable as final output.  For authors without
access to a laser printer or typesetter, appropriate facilities will be pro-
vided by the program chair.

     Please submit abstracts as soon as possible, and mail one hard-copy and
one electronic-copy to the addresses below.  The final deadline for receipt of
submissions is August 14, 1989; abstracts received after this deadline will not
be considered.  Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by
September 25, 1989.  Final camera-ready papers are due by November 17, 1989.

     To submit a paper or request additional information, please contact:

Daniel V. Klein
Washington USENIX Technical Program
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA  15213

+1 (412) 268-7791 (work)
+1 (412) 422-0285 (home)
+1 (412) 268-5758 (FAX)

     Program committee:

Daniel V. Klein, Chair - Software Engineering Institute, CMU
Eric P. Allman - International Computer Science Institute
Pat Caruthers - Aratar
John Devitofranchesi - University of Illinois, Urbana
Michelle Dominijanni - Concurrent Computer Corporation
Daniel Geer - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chet Juszczak - Digital Equipment Corporation
John R. Mashey - MIPS Computer Systems
Michael D. O'Dell - Prisma, Incorporated
Charlie Perkins - IBM, T.J. Watson Research
Dennis M. Ritchie - AT&T Bell Laboratories
Susanne Smith - Windsound Consulting
Alix Vasilatos - Open Software Foundation

     Please remember to include your email and postal addresses on any