[comp.org.usenix] 5th GRAPHICS WORKSHOP

ellie@usenix.UUCP (Ellie Young) (06/23/89)

                            Call for Participation

                     5th USENIX Computer Graphics Workshop

                             November 16-17, 1989
                 Doubletree Hotel - Monterey Convention Center
                                 Monterey, CA

     The 5th USENIX Computer Graphics Workshop will be held in Monterey on
Thursday and Friday, November 16-17, 1989.  The theme of the workshop is
"personal graphics."  By this, we mean the use of computer graphics to aid,
benefit, or amuse a single person.  Generally, personal graphics applications
are highly interactive, so that the user has a great deal of control over the
result.  Furthermore, the graphics is frequently not an end product, but is
instead a communication medium between the user and computer.  Examples of
personal graphics might include desk-top publishing, data visualization
programs (e.g., MacSpin), windowing systems, micro-world simulations (Kay's
vivarium?), and "performance" graphics (e.g., video weirdness).  It probably
does not include ray-tracing, yet another VLSI graphics chip, or fast rendering
algorithms.  A distinguishing feature is that the user is included as an
integral part of the description of the system.

     Personal graphics is becoming increasingly important as the cost of high-
performance computing gets lower and lower, so that "Joe Public" is exposed to
better and faster graphics than was previously possible.  You only have to look
at the progression from PC to Macintosh to NeXT to see this trend.  One
question that could be addressed by presentations in this workshop is "How are
`ordinary people' going to effectively use computer graphics in their daily

     In addition to traditional full-length papers, we will entertain proposals
for more informal short presentations and panel discussions.  Submissions for
the workshop will be judged on their intrinsic merit, but preference will be
given to those which bear closely on the theme.

     Important dates:

     Extended abstracts (300-700 words) or position papers should be submitted
by July 14, 1989.  Authors will be notified of acceptance by July 31, 1989.
Materials for inclusion in the proceedings should be submitted by October 2,
1989.  Submissions may be made electronically or as hard-copy.  Electronic
submissions should be plain text, troff (-ms or -me preferred, do not use -mm),
LaTeX, or PostScript.  Mail electronic submissions to


or send hard-copy to the workshop chair:

        Spencer W. Thomas
        EECS Department
        University of Michigan
        1101 Beal Ave.
        Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2110
        (313) 936-2616