ellie@usenix.UUCP (Ellie Young) (12/12/89)
Here's information and a copy of the nominating committee's report as it appeared in the most recent issue of ;login:. The biennial elections of the Association will be held in the Spring of 1990. After the D.C. Conference, nominations from the membership will remain open until February 2, 1990. The procedure for nominations by the membership is a written statement of nomination signed by at least five (5) members in good standing (or five separate nominations), to be submitted to the Executive Director at the Association office, and received by noon, PST, February 2. Please include a Candidate's Statement for inclusion with the ballots as well. Ballots will be sent to all paid-up members as of March 1, 1990, on or about March 12. Members will have until April 6 to return their ballots, in the envelopes provided, to the Association office. The results of the election will be announced at the Anaheim Conference and in the May/June issue of ;login:. The Board is comprised of eight directors, four of whom are ``at large.'' The others are the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The balloting is preferential, with those candidates with the largest number of votes being elected. Newly elected directors will take office immediately following the Anaheim conference in June. Report of the Nominating Committee A nominating committee was chartered by the current Board of Directors in accordance with the By-Laws of the Association to nominate a slate of candidates for the upcoming election of Directors and Officers. The committee's charge was to ensure that there were at least as many suitable candidates nominated as there are positions on the Board. The committee solicited suggestions for nominees, interviewed all of those suggested plus several other people, and have nominated the people listed below. All of these nominees want to serve on the Board and have indicated to the committee that they have the support of both their employers and families for the time commitment involved. There are certainly many other qualified candidates. The committee did not attempt to nominate all of the potentially good Board members, but nominated what it felt to be a good slate of candidates. Any member of the Association may be nominated by petition for any board position (see above instructions). The candidates nominated by the committee are: President Steven C. Johnson, Stardent Computer President Marshall Kirk McKusick, University of California Vice President Michael D. O'Dell, Prisma, Inc. Secretary Rob Kolstad, Prisma, Inc. Treasurer Sharon Murrel, AT&T Bell Laboratories Director Peter Collinson, Hillside Systems Director Ed Gould, mt Xinu Director Daniel Klein, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University Director Evi Nemeth, University of Colorado Director Sonya D. Neufer, Canstar Director Barry Shein, Software Tool and Die Director Dave Taylor, Intuitive Systems Director Alix Vasilatos, Open Software Foundation Members of the nominating committee are: Ed Gould, mt Xinu, Chair Tom Ferrin, Univ. of California, San Francisco Charlie Sauer, Dell Computer Wendy Thrash, University of Washington Pat Wilson, Consultant Elizabeth Zwicky, SRI International
rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz) (12/13/89)
> The [nominating] >committee's charge was to ensure that there were at least as many suitable >candidates nominated as there are positions on the Board. Hmm... is this back-pedaling or semantic games? From the minutes of the Baltimore board meeting: \fBNominating Committee Suggestion\fP .in .5i .sp .5 Kolstad expressed his concerns that reports from the nominating committee can be construed by the membership as endorsements rather than slot-filling. He suggested that the committee process all valid nomination petitions and produce timely lists of all legal candidates in its reports to the membership on elections. Nemeth said that if this is so, then what is the purpose of having a nominating committee? All the Board present, except Kolstad, agreed that the nominating committee should be an endorser, and that the formal charge to the committeee is to find enough eligible people (decent candidates) to fill the slots. .in 0 The formal charge is to find decent candidates, but apparently the informal charge was to get people the board liked? For the record, IT WAS WRONG for the nominating committee to pick its own chairman as a nominee. /r$ -- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net. Use a domain-based address or give alternate paths, or you may lose out.
dan@ccnysci.UUCP (Dan Schlitt) (12/13/89)
In article <2206@prune.bbn.com> rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz) writes:
:> The [nominating]
:>committee's charge was to ensure that there were at least as many suitable
:>candidates nominated as there are positions on the Board.
:The formal charge is to find decent candidates, but apparently the informal
:charge was to get people the board liked?
:For the record, IT WAS WRONG for the nominating committee to pick its
:own chairman as a nominee.
: /r$
That was my reaction also. Perhaps my thoughts were in a little more
colorful language. Such a nomination reflects one of two things -- a
severe lack of qualified candidates willing to be nominated, or desire
to keep close control of the organization. Since there was a fuss
about the nominations last year I would say that the whole operation
of the nominating committee this year reflects bad judgement. The
board should have listened to Kolstad.
Dan Schlitt Manager, Science Division Computer Facility
dan@sci.ccny.cuny.edu City College of New York
dan@ccnysci.uucp New York, NY 10031
dan@ccnysci.bitnet (212)690-6868
adamm@necis.UUCP (Adam Moskowitz) (12/14/89)
In article <296@usenix.UUCP>, ellie@usenix.UUCP (Ellie Young) wrote: } Here's information and a copy of the nominating committee's report } as it appeared in the most recent issue of ;login:. } . . . } Director Ed Gould, mt Xinu } . . . } Members of the nominating committee are: } } Ed Gould, mt Xinu, Chair Did I read that right? Do the bylaws (charter, whatever) allow a member of the nominating committee to run for office? Not to insult Ed, but isn't that a bit of "conflict of interest"? Does anyone else feel it shouldn't be this way? Can someone tell me how to get a copy of the bylaws? Thanx, AdamM -- Adam S. Moskowitz ...!uunet!harvard!necntc!necis!adamm "Women remember the first kiss, men remember the last." -- (I forget who)