[comp.org.usenix] Tom Strong

peter@world.std.com (Peter Salus) (09/26/90)

Tom Strong died a few days ago, after a battle with 
lung cancer and a brain tumor.

In 1982, when the USENIX Association moved to the Bay 
Area from New York, Tom was part of the management 
company retained to manage the office (he was the 
Strong of Penny, Penny and Strong).  When the Association
decided to actually hire a staff of its own, Tom stayed
on and acted as Executive Director for several months 
prior to the appointment of Jim Ferguson in 1985.

From 1982 through the July/August 1990 issue, Tom has 
been the Managing Editor, the Production Editor and 
the typesetter of ;login:.  Every USENIX workshop 
proceedings from Graphics 1985 through Mach 
(which has not yet appeared) passed 
through his hands.  Computing Systems from its inception 
through 3.3 (which is in the mails) was set by Tom.  

Through my three years as Executive Director, I worked
closely with Tom:  membership renewals, election materials
(for the 1984, 1986, 1988, and 1990 elections), manual 
and tape order forms -- even the most trivial printing 
was treated with a seriousness and care that was lavished
on major efforts like the journal.

Tom was an outdoorsman who would periodically appear in 
my office with a fish; it was he who established the 
opening day of trout season as a USENIX holiday.  

The Association (and the UNIX community as a whole) will 
miss Tom.  So will his widow and family to whom I, on 
behalf of the many thousands who knew Tom's work, offer 
sincere condolences.

Peter H. Salus

The difference between practice and theory in practice is always
greater than the difference between practice and theory in theory.