[comp.org.usenix] COMPUTING SYSTEMS

peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter H. Salus) (08/27/88)

Well, you've now seen two (=2) issues of COMPUTING
SYSTEMS, and while there are submissions, there 
is nowhere near the torrent I expected.

So, you're back from vacation.  Send your articles in 
any n/troff or PS format to me (I lift my terminal 
beside the Golden Gate, with apologies to 
Emma Lazarus).

OR: 4 hardcopies to Managing Editor/COMPUTING SYSTEMS/
PO Box 2299/Berkeley, CA 94710.

A better journal is up to you!

[The opinions expressed are neither mine, nor anyone else's.]

Peter H. Salus
Executive Director
and Managing Editor

roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) (08/28/88)

In article <163@usenix.UUCP> peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter H. Salus) writes:
> Well, you've now seen two (=2) issues of COMPUTING SYSTEMS

	I wonder what other people thought of Mike Lesk's sort of rambling
letter-to-the-editor/article in the last issue?  While it was certainly an
interesting read, I'm not quite sure what place it has in a referred
Roy Smith, System Administrator
Public Health Research Institute
{allegra,philabs,cmcl2,rutgers}!phri!roy -or- phri!roy@uunet.uu.net
"The connector is the network"

reggie@pdn.UUCP (George W. Leach) (08/29/88)

In article <163@usenix.UUCP>, peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter H. Salus) writes:
> Well, you've now seen two (=2) issues of COMPUTING
> SYSTEMS, and while there are submissions, there 
> is nowhere near the torrent I expected.

      How about reprinting papers from EUUG Conferences that are not so
widely available here in the US?  In fact, Mike O'Dell could start with
one of his own that I recently saw a reference to:

	Mike O`Dell
	What They Don't Tell You About Window Systems,
	EUUG Conference Proceedings, September 1987,
	Dublin, Ireland

George W. Leach					Paradyne Corporation
..!uunet!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LF-207
Phone: (813) 530-2376				P.O. Box 2826
						Largo, FL  34649-2826

karl@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (08/29/88)

roy@phri.UUCP writes:
	   I wonder what other people thought of Mike Lesk's sort of rambling
   letter-to-the-editor/article in the last issue?  While it was certainly an
   interesting read, I'm not quite sure what place it has in a referred

I found his comments quite significant, very much due to the fact that
we are fighting no less than 3 vendors concerning our need to get
source.  ("We can give you kernel source...<well, we want utilities,
in order to track/fix bugs we find.>...oh, you mean you'd be CHANGING
the UTILITIES' source?...<hell, yes, that's where we're finding all
these bugs.>...[shocked, horrified look]...oh, gee, we dunno about
that..."  That's pretty clearly the opinion of one of our vendors;
fortunately, it's not the one I deal with the most...but THAT one
isn't making life any easier, either.)

I was thinking of writing a reply (since such discussions were invited
in the editor's intro to the piece), but when I made my attempt, it
came out rather religious and flammable - discretion dictated that I
delete it.


berry@askone (Berry Kercheval) (08/30/88)

In article <3448@phri.UUCP>, roy@phri (Roy Smith) writes:
>	I wonder what other people thought of Mike Lesk's sort of rambling
>letter-to-the-editor/article in the last issue?  While it was certainly an
>interesting read, I'm not quite sure what place it has in a referred

It was in a new, um, "department" called "Controversy" which I gather
is supposed to genereate heated exchanges about the One True Path and
such.  I admit it didn't seem to be a technical article, but seemed
perfectly appropriate for the "Controversy" department.


neil@ist.CO.UK (Neil Todd) (08/31/88)

From article <4198@pdn.UUCP>, by reggie@pdn.UUCP (George W. Leach):
>       How about reprinting papers from EUUG Conferences that are not so
> widely available here in the US?  In fact, Mike O'Dell could start with
> one of his own that I recently saw a reference to:
> 	Mike O`Dell
> 	What They Don't Tell You About Window Systems,
> 	EUUG Conference Proceedings, September 1987,
> 	Dublin, Ireland

There is the usual problem of copyright, EUUG doesn't hold the copyright
on the individual papers. 

Copies of proceedings are available from the EUUG Secretariat, VISA
credit cards are accepted.

Owles Hall
Owles Lane

+44 763 73039	[Answerphone out of office hours]


Neil Todd, EUUG

peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter H. Salus) (03/18/89)

Several individual wrote me after my posting requesting 
more information about COMPUTING SYSTEMS.  Here's my 
attempt at a description.

COMPUTING SYSTEMS is a refereed quarterly dedicated to the analysis and 
understanding of the theory, design, art, engineering, and 
implementation of advanced computing systems, with an emphasis on 
those inspired or influenced by the UNIX tradition.  The journal's 
content concerns operating systems, architecture, networking, programming
languages, and sophisticated applications.

The Editor in Chief is Mike O'Dell of Prisma in Colorado Springs.  If 
you want to see a copy or so, Gene Spafford should have a set (he is 
on the Editorial Advisory Board).

The current print run is about 6500, with 3500 going to USENIX 
members, a couple of hundred each to EUUG and AUUG members, etc.
I think there are currently about 300-350 library/corporate 


peter@world.std.com (Peter Salus) (06/04/90)

As many of you will have noticed, despite Mike O'Dell's 
words in CS 2.4, you've not received anything yet this

The reasons for this are many, but the principal one 
is that I had no experience in getting permissions on 
music copyrights, and so I didn't realize just what we 
were getting into.  (It ended up taking 4 months to get 
the permissions on the three items where they were 

To make a long story short, issues 3.1 *and* 3.2 are 
now complete.  My guess is that 3.1 -- which is not 
the music issue -- will be in your mailboxes for July 
reading; 3.2 -- which is the music issue -- will be 
in your mailboxes for August reading; and (surprize!)
3.3 will be out in late September or the first week 
of October.

My apologies to all of you,

Peter H. Salus
Managing Editor

The difference between practice and theory in practice is always
greater than the difference between practice and theory in theory. 

peter@world.std.com (Peter Salus) (07/26/90)

In the Summary minutes of the USENIX Board of Directors'
Meeting in Anaheim, Ellie Young reported that the 
editorial staff of COMPUTING SYSTEMS hoped to be back 
on schedule by the autumn.

I'd like to let the membership know that we are, indeed,
going to be back on schedule shortly.

By now you should have received 3.1 (with papers on 
Clouds, Dune, Mach, Psyche, and Synthesis).  In 2-3 
weeks 3.2 should be in the mail.  It contains papers 
by Langston, Hawley, Thompson, and a Controversy 
piece by Feldman and Gentleman -- it will be accompanied 
by a CD containing examples from the Langston and 
Hawley papers.

3.3 is fully edited and will go to UC Press around 
6 August:  it should be mailed about 4 weeks later,
right on time.  It is a truly international issue, 
containing contributions from Italy, Switzerland, and 
the US.

Once again, I'd like to apologize for the delay and 
encourage submissions to future issues.
A computer cannot make an omelet, even if you ask politely.

peter@world.std.com (Peter Salus) (09/12/90)

 I must admit that all of us connected with COMPUTING
SYSTEMS are gratified with the response to 3.2.  But 
I want to take this opportunity to remind you that 
the quality of the journal is your business:  Mike 
O'Dell and I can't produce the articles, nor can the 
unsung readers of submissions.

As of this issue, we have accepted just about one 
paper for every seven submitted.  But we need those 
submissions.  I know that many of you have publishable 
work:  we want to see it!  There are many, many topics 
on which we receive no submissions.  There are topics 
which (I think) cry out for investigation.

If you're not sure:  email to me or to Mike (the 
Editor in Chief; mo@messy.bellcore.com).  We always
respond to email.

Send us stuff!


The difference between practice and theory in practice is always
greater than the difference between practice and theory in theory. 

peter@world.std.com (Peter Salus) (11/12/90)

Volume 3 of COMPUTING SYSTEMS is nearly done:
3.4 will go to the University of California
Press shortly, and (if it isn't stuck in the 
Christmas mail) will get to you either at the 
very end of the year or the first week of the New

As Managing Editor, most of my job is nagging 
folks: authors, reviewers, typesetters, printers.

So here I am:  send in more articles.  I want 
more papers to read (and reject).  Over the 
first three years, we have published just over 
40 papers.  We had 237 submitted.  This means 
that we published ~18% of what we received.
(Some of that 82% is being revised and, I hope 
will be resubmitted.)

Quality remains high because we can be selective.
But if you guys don't submit, the flow will 

Submissions should come to me at

Peter H. Salus
Managing Editor
The difference between practice and theory in practice is always
greater than the difference between practice and theory in theory.