shovic@ui3.UUCP (John C. Shovic) (12/15/86)
SUPERCOMPUTING COURSE --------------------- Department of Electrical Engineering University of Idaho Available nationally on videotape (spring semester): 1 - To instructors as a course they can offer and; 2 - To graduate students for credit. Can be offered or taken as: 1 - A one hour seminar course or; 2 - A three hour research project course including use of machines such as a CRAY X-MP/48, and Intel iPSC and the Massively Parallel Processor. Course Description and Outline ... attached Additional Information: Registration: Cathy Merickel, Engineering Outreach, University of Idaho (208) 885-6373. Course Content: Howard Demuth, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Idaho (208) 885-7561 or Joe Hicklin, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Idaho (208) 885-7888. Questions and comments on course content or organization are welcome. EE 504 - SUPERCOMPUTING This course gives a current view of parallel processing and supercomputing. Commercial supercomputer architectures and various computing applications will be reviewed. Research topics in parallel architectures, and parallel programming and algorithms will be discussed. Various topics will be presented by speakers from industry, government, and other universities. This course may be taken as: 1 - EE 504 (1 cr) A one hour seminar with a midterm and final exam or as; 2 - EE 504 (3 cr) A three hour course including a substantive research project in parallel processing. Students will get to use various supercomputers, such as a CRAY X-MP/48, and Intel iPSC, and the Massively Parallel Processor. (Off campus students can access this equipment through a terminal and a modem.) Prerequisite: 1 - Computer architecture course. 2 - Skills in at least two computer languages such as Pascal, LISP, or FORTRAN. Instructor: Howard B. Demuth, Professor, Electrical Engineering. Textbook: Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, by K. Hwang and F. Briggs, McGraw-Hill. Copies of lecture notes and transparencies will be available. SUPERCOMPUTING -------------- I. Introduction Progress in computing speeds Economics Applications Present State II. Background 2.1 Architecture von Neumann Architecture Parallelism in Central Processors Overlapped CPU and I/O Pipelining Vectorization Array Processors Multiprocessor Systems Interconnection Networks Systolic Arrays Memory Organization 2.2 Programming Vectorization of Programs Languages with Parallel Features Language Design for Parallel Operation Language/Architecture Relationships 2.3 Implementation Technology Integrated Circuits Computer Aided Design Examples of VLSI Computer Design Memory 2.4 System Considerations Design Balance Speed Measurement Figures of Merit Classification Schemes 2.5 Computer Networks ARPAnet BITnet TELEnet NSFnet III. Computers of Historical Interest Illiac IV AP-120B IBM 3838 Star-100 TI-ASC C.mmp Denelcor HEP IV. Commerical Machines Cray 2, Cray X-MP Floating Point Systems FPS T ETA 10 IBM 3084 Qx (+FPS 264s, FPS 164s) CDC CYBER 205 Fujitsu VP-200 Hitachi 5810/20 NEC SX-2 Intel iPSC Scientific Computer Systems SCS 40 Bolt, Beranek and Newman Butterfly Parallel Processor Connection Machine V. Research Architectures Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) NYU Ultracomputer Cedar Texas Reconfigurable Array Computer (TRAC) Dataflow Machines Redeuced Instruction Set Computers Tree Machines VI. Research Topics Parallel Algorithms Parallel Language/Architecture Relationship Dynamic Logic Cellular Automata Parallel Inference Machines Knowledge Based Systems Silicon (Architecture) Compilers Accelerators Custom Architectures VII. Applications Aircraft Design Biochemistry Fluids and Plasmas Geophysics Image Processing Molecular Modeling Non-linear Dynamics Optimization VIII. Supercomputing Centers ... Research Speaker Sources Supercomputing Research Centers National Supercomputing Center National Laboratories IX. Future Parallelism Technology Human Interfaces Economics and Marketing Impact on Society