robinson@ecsvax.UUCP (01/26/87)
[] The Provost's Office of the University of North Carolina is re-examining its policies related to user access to high-quality printed output from micro and mainframe computers. There are currently several low-end laser printers available for free, scheduled, access in microcomputer clusters, as well as a QMS 2400 laser printer, covered by a charge-back scheme, attached to the academic computer center's IBM 4381. Faculty and staff have begun to take advantage of the free resource causing several of these facilities to reach nearly 24 hours a day of active use. We'd like to know what other institutions are doing to insure students adequate access to high-quality printed output for resumes, thesis, and other papers, at a reasonable cost, while still meeting some faculty and staff needs. Copies of your formal policies and/or charge-back systems would be greatly appreciated. Descriptions of central funding for these activities would be of much help as well. Thanks in advance for your responses. Gerard A. Robinson <..usenet..>!mcnc!uncmed!robinson UGAR@TUCC.BITNET