[comp.edu] Needed: DAM Course Info

ao@tub.UUCP (03/11/87)

I am a Research Assistant at West Berlin's 'Technische Universitaet' in
Computer Science. In order to complete my PhD program I am very interested
in recent research on 'distributed associative memories'. One possible and
very attractive way to get in touch with it is to get a grant from the
'Deutsche Akademische Auslandsdienst' ( german academic exchange program ).

The only way to receive these grants is to know of courses and/or seminars
for graduate students regarding my area of interest.

So if you know of any courses, seminars etc. on
- neuron nets
- the holographic approach
please e-mail! Also courses planned for next year or so are important.

Hopefully, Arnfried ( I'm thinking about a possible nickname for
		      Arnfried, sounds pretty teutonic, doesn't it ? )

ao@tub.UUCP   ao@TUB.BITNET  in Berlin, West Germany