[comp.edu] Advanced workstation consulting in-house

heather@MATH.UCLA.EDU (10/14/87)

I have recently assumed the position of Advanced Workstation consultant
for the UCLA campus.  What that means is that I will be interfacing
with departmental reps all over campus to help answer their technical
questions, help them make purchase decisions and help them interface
with other departments on campus to avoid redundant work.  I will
also be negotiating and administering software site licenses.  The class
of machines I will be dealing with are single-user advanced workstations
such as Sun, Apollo, IBM-RT, DEC Microvax and HP workstations.

What I want to know is whether any of your campuses have a similar
centralized service for advanced workstations.  Since this is a new
position at UCLA, I have the opportunity to fashion the consulting
service in any manner that seems fit to me.  I would like to hear
all suggestions about what types of consulting services seem to be
the most needed, efficient and appreciated.

Also, if you could tell me the name and phone number or email address
of anyone at your campus in a position similar to mine, I would enjoy
contacting them to share experiences.  Thanks in advance!

					Heather Burris
					UCLA Microcomputer Support Office