[comp.edu] MIX Update

patth@dasys1.UUCP (Patt Haring) (12/16/87)

News release

EMS/McGraw-Hill has announced that educators outside the U.S. and 
Canada can receive complimentary one year subscriptions to MIX, the 
McGraw-Hill Information Exchange for education.  An international 
Tymnet account would be needed to access MIX.

Additionally, schools may apply for a limited number of $500 grants 
that can be used to cover their international Tymnet costs.  
Interested schools should submit short proposals prior to January 
15, 1988 explaining their experience with telecommunications and 
reasons why they want to communicate with other schools around 
the world.

MIX is an educators-only email and computer conferencing system 
using CoSy software with an optional menu interface.  It features 
over 30 classroom telecommunications projects, a dozen forums on 
educational technology, monthly symposiums on professional 
development, and several state and education association sponsored 
information computer conferences.  A simulation disk for Apple II or 
MSDOS computers is also provided.

MIX annual subscriptions are normally purchased for $149.95, 
unlimited use.  Minnesota educators and PC Pursuit users pay no 
additional fees.  Tymnet can be purchased in $50 blocks, used at the 
hourly rates of $3.50 non prime and $7 prime time.  Group discounts 
of up to $50 per subscription are also available.  For more 
information contact:

Griff Wigley, MIX Editor
9855 West 78th Street
Eden Prairie, MN  55344
In U.S. (800) 622-6310
In MN and outside U.S. (612) 829-8200
On MIX and BIX email to gwigley
On Compuserve email to 72007,24

Patt Haring                       UUCP:    ..cmcl2!phri!dasys1!patth
Big Electric Cat                  Compu$erve: 76566,2510
New York, NY, USA                 MCI Mail: 306-1255;  GEnie: PHaring
(212) 879-9031                    FidoNet Mail: 1:107/701 or 107/222