[comp.edu] request for info on hardware simulators

kusalik@sask.UUCP (Tony Kusalik) (01/21/88)

We are looking for machine-language simulator software
runnable on MACs ... something that will let one (assemble
and) execute assembly language code without actually having
the machine.  Interrupt emulation and some mechanism to
single step, examine memory, etc. is desirable.
A nice MAC-style interface would be nice too.
The software would be used to teach assembly language programming
to second-year students.

'simul8' which is available in conjunction with
Introduction to Computer Systems (by N. A. B. Gray,
------------ -- -------- -------
Prentice-Hall, 1987) is representative of the flavor of software
we are after  (unfortunately, we do not find the PDP-8 machine
architecture simulated by simul8 particularly useful for our application).

	Tony Kusalik