[comp.edu] Interesting tests

ejnorman@dogie.edu (Eric Norman) (02/18/88)

In article <2032@ukecc.engr.uky.edu> wes@engr.uky.edu (Wes Morgan) remembers:

> The most original test I've seen came from Berea College in Kentucky. 

I know it's really not appropriate for the newsgroup, but I just love
telling the story.  So:

I had a professor for a differential equations course at Wabash College.
He gave a test on Wednesday.  On Friday, everyone shows up to see how
they did.  The professor ambles in and announces, "You guys did so poorly
on that test that I'm going to give you another chance", and passes out
THE SAME TEST and counted the higher of the two grades.

I reckon he sorta wanted to test something else too, huh?

Eric Norman
Internet:     ejnorman@unix2.macc.wisc.edu
UUCP:         ...!uwvax!ejnorman
Life:         Detroit!Alexandria!Omaha!Indianapolis!Madison!Hyde
"The missionaries may never outnumber the cannibals,
 else they would convert them."
		-- Ken Kunen